
Could this be portpartum depression?

by  |  earlier

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I have a two month old little girl, and I feel like I just can't get enough sleep. I nap with her, and she only wakes up twice during the night but I feel just so tired all the time. Could this be from postpartum depression or is it just part of recovering from childbirth (I did not have a c section luckily, so there isn't as much to recover from)




  1. I seriously doubt it's post partum depression.  My wife had post partum depression with our first born and she did stuff like try to smother the baby with the couch pillows.  at one point on a vacation we were in a hotel on a high floor and she casually talked when my daughter was fussing quite a bit about pitching her off the balcony.  it's whacked.  

    Don't discount what all there is to recover when it's not a C section.  As I understand it, in some ways a C section is milder on the body - you're not pushing a football sized or larger baby through openings that are normally 50 cent piece sized.

    You ought to have a conversation with your doctor about your fatigue.

  2. I would say that you should try to put your daughter into her own bed as soon as possible so that you and she can get a good nights rest.

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