
Could this be potentially lethal?

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my friend and I are making an Egyptian Hookah. As the cone piece/bowl at the top, we're using the bottom of a coke can.

My other friend says that the aluminium will burn and we could inhale toxic fumes, is that true? or do you think the cigarette lighter won't be hot enough to burn it




  1. Is this project being done outside ? if so you don't have to worry as long as you are in open air and make sure you stand away from the fire also be sure to have a fire extinguisher available just in case. Second of all aluminum does not burn that's why it is the number one type of surface used all around industrial kitchens.  Good luck with your project and be safe.

  2. one time i made a bowl out of aluminum foil and my freind said it contributes to alzheimers

  3. We know that tobacco use is potentially lethal. (Benzopyrene in tobacco smoke causes cancer.) It seems funny to me that you would ask questions about aluminum and ignore tobacco.

  4. Do you know how hookahs work? You don't light them with lighters, you use hot coals.

    The aluminum is a very bad idea, not only will it make it taste awful, but it is sort of not good for your health.  

  5. Heated aluminum can indeed produce lethal fumes.  In addition, coke cans are made of such thin aluminum that they can readily burn through.  Aluminum, as I'm sure you realize now, is not a good substance from which to craft such a device.  

  6. well you will inhale the toxic fumes, but doing it once, or a couple of times wont kill you. Ive smoked weed from aluminum all the time.

  7. Message to salonpro:

    Aluminum does indeed burn.  In fact, the space shuttle uses aluminum in its solid rocket boosters.

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