
Could this be pre-eclampsia?

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I am 31 weeks pregnant and i have been getting headaches on and off for at least the last week, sometimes with spots (in my eyes) and headspins. I began getting sharp pains around my lower ribs yesterday and have been getting nauseuos for the last couple days. i have also noticed i get swollen fingers and feet.

I have a docs appt this afternoon but i was just wondering if anyone else have had these symptoms and it wasn't serious just a regular part of pregnancy.




  1. i had these symptoms, but its wasnt pre eclampsia because my blood pressure wasnt high. just keep an eye open and make sure your doctor takes your BP today and does a urine test to check for traces of protien

  2. I am glad you are going to the doctor today. Is your doctor aware of your symptoms. He may want you to come in earlier. No joke.

  3. You need to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. This is not normal. It sounds more like Gestational Diabetes, which I was a borderline case and got the headaches, etc. The swelling though is a concern. I am sure they will monitor you closely, but if you haven't had your appt yet, you may want to call now and see what they tell you. Good luck!

  4. sounds too close to gestational diabetes but could also be pre-eclampsia. since you are so far along, i would ask your doc. u dont need to take a chance of not finding out. wish u the best on a healthy baby! good luck!  

  5. the spots in your eyes are a good indication of pre eclampsia unfortunantly. I had pains and swollen fingures and feet with my daughter but  it wasn't pre eclampsia so those alone do not indicate it. The spots r a different story

  6. This sounds definetely like pre eclampsia. You really should phone your doctor to see if he/she would like you to come in earlier. These symptoms you are experiencing are not initial signs of pre eclampsia but more advanced serious signs that your blood pressure is extremely high. Dont leave these symptoms. I would even consider going to the hospital to have your blood pressure checked. YOur symptoms could prove fatal if left untreated and unchecked. I dont mean to frighten you.  

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