
Could this be pregnancy?? Lots of answers please!!?

by Guest58915  |  earlier

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I have been ttc for over 8 months now, with 1 miscarriage and 3 chemical pregnancies since then. Last month I got faint positives on the 28th of july. I had a blood test on the 29th and then started bleeding VERY light with mostly brown blood on the 31st. That only lasted 2 days. I have all the pregnancy symptoms including nausea, vomitting, VERY sore BBS, dull achy cramplike feeling in stomach, and very tired. My blood test came back negative (it was 2) on the 29th. I took another HPT because I wasnt convinced on the 9th of august and it was faint but VERY CLEAR postive. I took another one first thing on the 10th and it was again faint but positive and I just took another one and it was negative. ANY thoughts on this?? Anyone go through this similar situation and have it turn out good?? Any answer is a good answer, please help! My CP is very very high and hard, and my BBT is still high (hasnt gone down since ovulation in july)




  1. I'd say you are pregnant.  But its hard to say if it will continue, since your hcg levels are obviously very low.   Please see an oB right away and get a transvaginal ultrasound.

    If you miscarry again, please insist that the OB send the tissue or cells out for testing so they can run tests and see if they can figure out what's wrong. OBs recommend this type of testing if you have had more than 2 m/cs and you've had four.  A chemical pregnancy is simply another term for very early miscarriage.

    At  any rate, you should also see a Reproductive Endocringologist right away about the repeated miscarriages/chemical pgs.  It might be something easily treated, with hormones, such a progesterone supplementation or something.

    good luck!!!

  2. Either you are pregnant or it's another chemical pregnancy, (hopefully not though)

    Best of luck :)

  3. i would say that you could be pregnant, but last april i went through the exact same thing, only i had 7(!) positive hpt's over a 2 week period (i was obsessed a bit) and then started getting negatives, panicked and went to the doctor, they said i had a very early miscarriage. i really hope this isn't the case for you again. i would just call and try to see your doctor and find out what could be going on. there is a good chance you are pregnant..Good Luck!

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