
Could this be pregnancy discharge?

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I think I am anything between 10-15 dpo and today, I've had some very thin watery clear, slighty sticky discharge, twice this afternoon (about half a teaspoon in volume, sorry tmi!). I was wondering if anyone who's tested positive experienced this type of discharge in their two week wait?





  1. Of course it could be pregnancy discharge but it could also be normal changes in your body, our bodies dont stay the same all our lives, changes do take place, are you seriously basing pregnancy on this discharge, dont as your only building your hopes up, a test is what you need!

  2. you might want to get a preg. test. the same thing happend to my cousin and she was knocked up!!!  

  3. Hi yaa,

    Its quite common in normal pregnancies.As for as if  there is no blood clots its fine.Its flow will change during  the day.Sometimes its white sticky and sometimes its  light yellowish.Its due to hormonal changes and oestrogen and progesterone triggers the secretion because you will not have menstrual cycle so  that's  the flow which will work as alternative but different in every woman.No need to worry.


  4. so it means your due your period soon, I get this just before my period - good luck either way xx

  5. It sounds like you are ovulating this happens to me half way thorugh my cycle, so beware you are more likely to be more fertile now than at any other time of the month, but you can get pregnant at any time just depends on your body.


  6. yes this discharge happens in most pregnancys, and you will carry on getting it through out pregnancy,xx

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