
Could this be real alien speech,...?

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what could it be saying?




  1. Dude of course. I have seen many aliens for I am psychic

  2. I heard a military recording once in Florida recieved at Homestead AFB that, to me, sounded like gibberish but

    was spiked with noise that sounded like pistol shots.  In

    subsequent inquiry I learned it was determined to be a

    call sign issued to an Army unit in South Vietnam Corps II.

    It had been a freak reception half a planet distant.  Point is,

    it might sound alien, but odds favor a source on this planet.

  3. possibly but not speech more like a distress signal or some sorta broadcast in my knowledge of signals in space this does not come close to anything natural Ive ever heard so it could possibly from a sentient being

  4. I think it could be alien speech (but I see no reason to).  I think it could also be radio waves manipulated by humans.

  5. lmfao no

  6. So they tweaked a naturally occuring radio wave until it sounded like music, then they tweaked the music till it sounded like something weird. It doesnt sound at all like speech to me. It fact it just sounds like random radio waves tweaked until they formed random sound patterns.

  7. who knows. the world has many secrets we are yet to find out.

  8. no, the sound waves are wayy too perfect...

    but, i guess it could be.

  9. WOW..Makes you wonder! Only thing...seems like they're saying the same thing over and over. Of course, I've heard you can't believe anything on You I don't know what to think about it. But, it was interesting.

  10. That sounds like an atmospheric whistle. Its a kind of plasma wave. Were detected on Earth in WW1.

  11. well I am not sure, if it was or not, it sounded real and creepy to me, go to

  12. I kind of doubt that it is. I will tell you that my dog didn't like it much . He came in and barked and cried.

  13. I think it sounds very strange indeed, It could be Alien speech.

  14. OMG i cant believe it. I speak that language. They are saying that we all need to prepare for the battle between the milky way and another galaxy far far away. Get out your plasma carbines, needles, and plasma pistols. Master chief needs us!

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