
Could this be result of the Supreme Court ruling on Gitmo?

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Since the military would not want to take a chance that some liberal judge in this country would turn lose a terrorist or cause the secret intelligence to be reveal, is there a good chance that they will either have these people from now on held in secret prisons in third world countries where the conditions would be a lot worse. They would just turn them over to those countries to hold them and the prisoners would be under that countries rules and not ours. Or when the opportunity presents itself just leave the terrorist dead in the field.




  1. absolutely, why bring a terrorist that has an agenda to kill Americans back to the US to be treated as a common criminal, just so we can give them a slap on the wrist, feed, cloth, and house them, and then let them go back and kill more Americans.

  2. Wrong Section ! Wrong Queston !

  3. All of the above is plausable.

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