
Could this be severe reflux???

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Hello my baby girl is 8wks old today and since she was around 2wks she started having coughing fits then by 4wks that turned into choking and i took her to the ED and they admitted her but then sent her home in the morning and said it was a type of virus, she'll be ok.

Then her choking and coughing got worse over the next few weeks and still is to the point we can't even lay her flat too long, or leave her with out worrying! Then last week when she was 7wks her choking got so bad that she started changing colour and her lips went blue this has happened a few times since. She throws up after each bottle and gets scared after these episodes. My pedi thinks its severe reflux, band her airways close but has this happened to anyone else? I felt she wasn't well from a early age but the dr's didn't listen and now I feel she's worse. also she has a large birthmark under her eye that is pushing her eye closed and we have to go to royal children's for that. ( poor thing ) could these be linked? has anyone gone through this. I feel so helpless when she's choking I comfort her and help her but what else can I do? she has to go for Barrium swallow test in two weeks. Does anyone know how accurate these are? Thankyou for answers in advance.




  1. I know exactly what your talking about. We are going through this right now! my five month has been sick throwing up since 2 weeks old, she can't lay on her back and at points it gets where she is choking and cant breath, so far we found out she has acid reflex and also a food allergy. She cant have milk. It took switching doctors to find out the food allergy. They switched her to alimentrum and it has made a HUGE difference. She still does the choking but its not as bad too.

    I have asked similar questions and you can check out some of my answers because they helped me a lot. I think your baby has severe reflux. Trust your mother instinct! and you might have to push the doctors a little. My daughters old doctor kept saying she was fine and I  was there every week with her throwing up not eating or sleeping and crying 24/7 like really not stopping at all for 2 full weeks, when tghis whole time she has been sick. There is a lot you can do to find out if she has it. You can have her see a GI or get an ulta sound done. I wish the best of luck to you, i know how scary it is to look at your baby and see them not breathing my daughter only turns bright red but i know one day it will get worse because we haven't done all the testing yet to find out whats wrong with her.

  2. I honestly don't have any idea, but if I were you and no one could tell me what was wrong, I would be heading off to some different Dr.'s.  

    Try to make appointments around her feeding time so that the Pedi can actually see and experience what is happening to her, and not just hearing a story...

    In the mean time, if it is reflux, I would feed her less, but more often throughout the day, try different brands and types of formula or maybe mix it a little weaker than you are supposed to.  Keep her upright while feeding and for atleast 30min to 1hr after eating.

    But that is just me and some things that I would try.

  3. Hi. My daughter had reflux from about your daughters age also. She threw up after every bottle. However she never choked or had her lips or anything turn blue so I can't really help you out there. Did they give her anything for the reflux? My daughter was put on zantac or something like that. It really didn't help much, they said she would just grow out of it, and she did at about nine months. They also did the barrium swallow on my daughter, they found the little flap at the bottom of her throat wasn't closing properly which was causing her to spit everything back up. If I were you, I would call them to see if she could be seen sooner because if she's choking and turning blue to me it sounds serious and maybe there's something they could do for her.. Good luck with your daughter, I hope you find out what's wrong soon!!

    Edit: They also thought my daughter had an allergy to formula and switched her to soy, which didn't help at all.. You could ask them about that to make sure that's not what it is. With my daughter, we left her on soy because it's hard on them switching formula's. Good luck!

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