
Could this be sexual harassment?

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If i feel insulted by something on a shirt in school, would a girl be able to charge someone with sexual harassment???




  1. According to Jack Kammer in 'If Men Have All The Power How Come Women Make The Rules' this would indeed constitute "high volume sexual harassment".

    Oh no - that's only if a man is affected. Tough luck if you're a girl or a woman.

    My real answer is no > unless it's attacking you personally.

  2. It depends what the shirt said, but in all probability you could not-- sexual harassment would imply that the person was directing the insult at you specifically. Also, students' rights allow a student to wear whatever s/he wants as long as it a) follows the dress code and b) doesn't create a distraction that interferes with other people's education. If you could prove that the shirt distracts you from your educational experience, though, you could make a case. Also, if the shirt personally attacks you.

  3. Not if the same girl would sit by and laugh at an equally offensive shirt worn by a girl which usually contains slogans like "boys are dumb, throw rocks at them", and "girls rule and boys drool".

  4. t-shirts are not sexual harassment...but if a t-shirt really bothers you that much and you take 'em so personally..get a t-shirt with a big middle finger on it.

  5. Was it directed  at you alone?

  6. It all depends on your school rules, but generally if you find a shirt offensive you should report it to the office staff, unless that person with the shirt one grabs your attention and tells you to read the shirt and that the message is towards you.

  7. I dont know if they could be charged with sexual harassment. Told to take the shirt off yes. Unless its directly insulting you not much could be done. it would fall under that freedom of speech or freedom of whatever they decide to make up

  8. No. Tasteless remarks are not considered sexual harassment unless someone directs them specifically at you after you've told them to knock it off. Furthermore, they would have to be sexual in nature.

  9. only if the shirt is worn by a boy.

  10. umm, can you be a little bit more specific?

  11. Sure dear. In fact, that is the definition new feminism has convinced society to redefine the term 'sexual harassment'.

    "When a girl feels insulted"

  12. if the shirt tried to sexually harass you, you could charge the shirt with sexual harassment, since you are a girl.

  13. Maybe, if you found the right lawyer. But I don't think you should. Why don't you just go to your principal first and tell him (or her) about the shirt? He'll probably make the kid go home and change. Surely that's enough.

  14. Would you like to suck on my nuts?

    See! there's a lawsuit right there. Get over it!

  15. no its not harrasment(then again if its america...), you heard of something called freedom, were losing enough of it stop s******g people round

  16. No.  Go look at something else.

  17. Everything can be turned into a lawsuit nowadays.  Go ahead...sue 'em.

  18. In Florida. many teen girls are wearning a t-shirt with "Boys are stupid, throw stones at them" and I don't hear any women complaining.

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    Ladies: Be a first class woman, not a second-rate feminst.

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