
Could this be some sort of allergic reaction?

by  |  earlier

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This is kinda gross but i have been getting like rashes under my armpit. and like its liek bug bites kinda like they itch. and i saw my doc and he said oh well it looks like bug bites and so we called hte exterminater and they didnt see any sort of bugs around. and then i left town and switched deodarants and it went away. i came back and now its back and its really frustrating because its itchy and gross. could it be from like sweating becuase i sweat more here than i did where i was? or could it be from deodaraunt?




  1. Take some Benadryl.  You could also wash the area with some water and baking soda - the baking soda is gentle and it will help to dry up / reduce the bumps.

  2. It could be all sorts of things, you kind of just have to test things out.  If I were you I'd try using a different laundry detergent, then a different soap, and if you still can't figure it out I would go get tested for food allergies or sensitivities.

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