
Could this be something serious?

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I was born premature. My mom said whenever I went to go down for naps, I wouldn't want to, or I would cry when I woke up because I felt sick. Now that I am 15, things like this are getting worse. I have been failing school because I miss the bus, and stay home more than 32 times in a school year. When I wake up, I feel very sick. I have thrown up maybe once or twice, so it is not a big symptom. But I get horrible diarreah. It sometimes lasts throught the day. I get burning and feeling of bubbling in my intestines. Sometimes it really hurts in my abdomine or inestines. My stomach gurgles, and I just feel aweful. When I eat certain foods, I get sick like that as well. But it is hard to tell what kind of foods exactly because it varies ALOT, there is not many foods or beverages I can intake without getting sick. Any ideas? Some people think it is IBS, but I really do not think it is that. I really want to find out what it is before this school year in a few weeks, and I am scared to death to do go to the doctors. It is my worse fear. I haven't been to one in about 7 years because of this fear, and my required physicals are from the school's nurse.




  1. Please see your doctor as soon as possible. You likely have a medical problem that can be taken care of, once you get the right help! Being premature may have put you at risk for gastrointestinal problems, reflux/GERD (heartburn), celiac, food allergies, IBS, and infection (in the gut). Sometimes preemies don't have good immune systems.

    Here are some websites to look up information, and so you can see there there is help for all of these medical issues. But you need to go to your doctor and ask for help! I can tell that this is causing you stress, which is going to add other issues or actually make the problems you have worse. It's like a bad circle, and you need to break it. So please see your doctor!



    Reflux / GERD:

    Food allergies:

    GI Infections:

    Take care and good luck.

  2. u could be allergic to the foods u ate. but it might be some type of disorder. see a doctor

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