I was born premature. My mom said whenever I went to go down for naps, I wouldn't want to, or I would cry when I woke up because I felt sick. Now that I am 15, things like this are getting worse. I have been failing school because I miss the bus, and stay home more than 32 times in a school year. When I wake up, I feel very sick. I have thrown up maybe once or twice, so it is not a big symptom. But I get horrible diarreah. It sometimes lasts throught the day. I get burning and feeling of bubbling in my intestines. Sometimes it really hurts in my abdomine or inestines. My stomach gurgles, and I just feel aweful. When I eat certain foods, I get sick like that as well. But it is hard to tell what kind of foods exactly because it varies ALOT, there is not many foods or beverages I can intake without getting sick. Any ideas? Some people think it is IBS, but I really do not think it is that. I really want to find out what it is before this school year in a few weeks, and I am scared to death to do go to the doctors. It is my worse fear. I haven't been to one in about 7 years because of this fear, and my required physicals are from the school's nurse.