lately i've been showing signs of stress. my hairs falling out, i'm crying more, i have a shorter temper, i'm loosing a bit of weight, i get tired out quickly, even if i just run up the stairs, and i wouldn't say i was that unfit! my heartbeat is a lot stronger my heartrate is a bit higherand i missed my period this month.
but i don't have anythi to be stressed about. i think i started being stressed during my exams, but that was 3 months ago, and i havn't been at school or work at all in those three months. i'm eating fairly well, lots of fruit and veg, maybe a bit more sat. fat than i'm supposed to have, but i'm cutting back on it now.
so my question is, can someone be stssed over a period of time, 3 months, with a reason for it?