
Could this be the answer to paranormal things!!?

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What about this idea I found on the web?

Some deep sea fish have red pigmentation because a lot of their predators are completely blind to the color red.

I know this probably isn't news to you, but bare with me.

If whole species are blind to certain colors and more vulnerable species take advantage of this, how do we know that this doesn't apply to us to? It’s already established that we are a trichromatic species and some animals a tetrachromats. We can only see 3 colors, with a few exceptions. Think about it, chances are there are millions of creatures that are waltzing around and we just can't see them because they have developed in an entirely different colour range. And what does this have to do with you guys, Everything. This could possibly explain loads and loads of paranormal phenomenon. Invisible forces/paranormal creatures/demons could be about as paranormal as a raccoon, they’ve just developed beyond the trichromatic color spectrum.

So what do you think about this theory?




  1. Explain away! It doesn't make them any less real!

    How would knowing a ghost is in another color spectrum change the fact that it is a ghost?

    Why would knowing a UFO was there just invisible make it any better?

    What does the color spectrum have to do with things flying across the room, people being able to perceive nonlocal reality?

    Your theory does noting but 'candy coat' and 'color' the truth, it doesn't make them any less real.

  2. This question is so appropriate ..and I washed a red Ga. ball cap with other things. The only thing it got on was my son's undies. They're this beautiful pink! Thank goodness he's color blind!!!!!!

      Your idea makes sense to me. Even if it's not a could be some kind of "film" over them...or maybe even over our eyes that prevents us from seeing them. Maybe some people are born with  less of this "film" and they're able to see spirits when others can't.

    (We're getting "DEEP" now..aren't we! lol I love when you make me thimk deeper!!)

  3. That could be a great possibility...

    Like i have said many times, instead of going for the obvious always first, like trying to get evidence of ghosts existing, sometimes we need to make other discoveries, that will lead someday to finding a correct answer to discovering how  paranormal works and exists...

  4. The fish thing is interesting, regarding "tricking" one of the many senses.  However, if a predator fish touched or smelled the "invisible" fish, would it know it was its prey, or would it freak out?  As far as paranormal creatures, I suspect it's possible that they can "trick" our sense if sight into not seeing them (or only certain individuals can "see" them)... however, I would assume they would need to trick all of our senses - touch, taste, smell, etc.  But could they also fool our equipment as well?  To my knowledge, there's no equipment that can perceive the alleged paranomal either.  Take carbon monoxide - we can't see it, smell it, taste it, touch it, nor sense it, but it is there and can harm us.  But there are carbon monoxide testers (equipment) that can perceive the stuff that we cannot.  Interesting theory though.

  5. That'a a really cool theory because many people sense ghosts but just cannot see them.  

    There would be more than just the beings, there would be other things that color as well.  (colors)

    The matter would have to be altered as well compared to ours, as we would be bumping into things!  I think the soundwaves would be sped up or something as well.

  6. Well done!! this is a great possibility you have come up with!!

  7. I like your thinking John !!

  8. Time is not linear. Ghosts could be easily explained as different points in time crossing into ours.

  9. Excellent! Very plausible--good approach. Let's develop a 'dimension cam' to view these new realms!

  10. It is worth the thought...I have always felt that there might be something to the theory of frequency as well.

  11. As the bad spirit or demon makes it's changes to trick and or deceive....We too can do the same I found out accidentally- make changes to protect ourselves. I done what I not knew was possible.

    Here, I will explain by true example....

    Usually I can see ghost or spirits, and if not I feel-sense in the room where they are, even when asleep as my third eye opens. This demon came other times to harass, but never made a full attack. But this one time as this either bad spirit or demon came to harass me in my sleep, As it made it's attack, I was able to defeat it with an OBE....Now it's spirit to spirit, and I can see him and grab and throw him to the floor and defeated him. That was a year ago, our spirit may know what to do in times like that. How can it deceive me if the Lord gave me discerning of spirits as a gift.

  12. not unless these creatures were both immortal and invisible. People would end up with invisible carcassas on thier living room floor when these creatures died.

    Plus, don't you think we would be able to take advantage of the limited color sight to make invisible paint to camaflage things?

    Its an interesting concept, which could be explored, but its far a satisfactory answer to all paranormal activity.

  13. I can see some points you are making, but I think there would be evidence of some sort. There should be some physical evidence of even an invisible species.

    Besides, scientists can detect all light wavelengths from VLF radio to way beyond visual spectrum into gamma.

    Paranormal things would have to be more slippery than that!

  14. ur right that probably could be the answer to that question but im not really sure but it probably is

  15. This is an interesting approach.  However, assuming creatures are really (material) there but just invisible, they would almost certainly leave some other sort of evidence, right?  And they probably wouldn't resemble the human form as many people report their appearance to be, right?  And chances are this/these species wouldn't have as many variations as have been reported, right?

    Like I said, this is an interesting idea.  Perhaps you could incorporate it in a story of some sort.
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