
Could this be the pill causing this or something else..?

by  |  earlier

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I am on the pill yasmin and have been for over a year now and havent had problems with it.. This month i have been having nausea off and on (i havent thrown up) and i have also had constipation, gas, insomnia and light headedness.. I am also not stressed..

I thought that pregnancy could of been a possibility as i dont take my pills at the same time each day, but i have just had my period so i dont think it could be that now..

My blood pressure has risen from 120/60 to 135/80.. So im not sure if its my blood pressure causing it..

Could this be the pill causing this, high blood pressure, low on iron, pregnancy or something else..? Mature answers only please..




  1. since u have been on it for a year i would say no, goto the docs cos it might be something else

  2. i wouldn't think so if you've been on it for over a year.

    but i'd ask your doctor just to be safe.

  3. First of all...I am a woman using my husband's account-just a side note. Ü

    I'm actually happy to hear someone else had this problem!  I started Yaz in January, and two months ago, I started feeling sick, bloated, bad cramps, insomnia, OR I would feel totally fatigued like I was pregnant.  I even battled with a short bout of depression which I've NEVER had before.  I finally went to my Doc and she switched me to a low dose birth control.  

    I just finished my first month of it, and the only symptom I've had was bad cramps.  Try switching.  I was told you might have to try a few different kinds before finding one that works for you.  

    Good luck!  

  4. From Yasmin's site:

    The Pill can cause side effects. Not all women experience them, and most of these symptoms disappear within the first few months of use, as the body adjusts to the Pill. Some of these include:




    Bleeding between periods

    Breast tenderness

    See what the Doc says.

  5. why dont you

    go to the website of the pill

    if u dont kno the website go to google and type in the nam eof the pill

    and go to the websit and look at side effects

    if its not ther ehtne no its not normal

  6. Hi.  The dosage of your birth control is most likely too high. I had all of these symptoms but I was on Othro Norvum.  It will happen and cause many a girl to think she is preggo because she has symptoms of pregnancy. I was so emotional. I'd cry just from watching a stupid commerical! haha. Anyway, have your doc lower your dosage and you should feel fine.But note! If you lower your dosage, you up the percentage of the possibility of getting pregnant. So use condoms always

  7. There could be multiple issues going on here and you definitely need to be seen by your physician.  A pharmacist can answer questions about your meds, that's part of their professional role.  

    In the meantime, to help with the nausea, candied ginger really helps.  You can find it in health food stores or Whole Foods if you have one nearby.  I've heard that taking a teaspoon of bitters helps too.  That's a mixer for alcoholic beverages.  It doesn't have any alcohol in it, I think.  

    Reduce your salt intake to help reduce the blood pressure.  

    But, bottom line, you need to be seen by your doctor.  Good luck.  

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