
Could this be the root of depression?

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Each and every hair on the body has a nerve ending. The hairs are like fiber optic cables. Could light pass through the hairs and send a message to the brain about light levels and enviorment conditions? If the brain does see and feel with these antennas if a person has a traumatic experience in a certain light level could the trauma be recorded in the brain as a danger recognition causing uneasiness or depression in these light levels. If it does work out that this is in fact a option then one might be able to use a body wash to impregnate the hairs and change the persona of their perception. It would be a far cry better than the psych meds that are so harsh on the internal organs.




  1. A scientist figured out how to create depression in a lab with humans and animals over years. Then he figured out a cure for it without drugs. See cure for depression on web page below. He got public recognition for it. Should they take it from him and give it you?

  2. You should defiantly look into that because scientist always think it takes something more complex to figure out somthing so simple.

  3. This is true. Fortunately, there is a much simpler cure. Simply make a little knot into each and every hair on your body, so that the light cannot pass through them properly anymore. Within days, you'll feel like a new man.

  4. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

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    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

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