A guy with high connections with ude said that this might be the banlist, lets see what it is!
Not enough space so check it out here
now lets talk about it
banned cards
crush card virus, dark magician of chaos
crush is a game winning card dmoc the limiting of monster reborn made it a good ban choice
limited cards
breaker the magical warrior, elemental hero prisma
breaker shouldn't of even been banned
prisma makes glad real good
semi limited cards
dark armed dragon
way to dominating smart decisian
judgment dragon
same as dark armed real good
cold wave
no 1 even uses 3 this is real dumb
jinzo returner is good so not bad
great shogun shien
this card is awesome
grandmaster of the six samurai helps to get shogun out faster
torrential tribute
real stupid decisian
solar recharge
sucks should stay at 3
solemn judgment
every 1 saw this 1
destiny draw
real dumb cant believe it