
Could this be true ? At what point do they ask for proof?

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The following is an article from the July 7, 2008, issue #27 from "The American Free Press" Newspaper, an article by Assistant editor, Pat


"It now appears that Barack Obama is consitutionally ineligible for the office of president. John McCain's eligibility was established in 1964, when courts ruled Sen. Barry Goldwater was eligible although he was born in Arizona when it was a territory, not a state. McCain was

born in t he Panama Canal Zone when it was a U.S. territory.

And, even as the controlled media continues to ignore the ineligibility of Obama, it will not go away. While few doubt that the Democrats will manage to pull off his nomination, all remain poised to view the legal performance.

The first hurdle will be having Obama produce his birth certificate, which so far he has refused to do, and prove that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961,as he has always claimed. There is speculation that his American mother may have brought him to Honolulu shortly after his birth in Kenya, but no proof of that has been shown.

According to the law on the books at the time of Obama's birth, the office of president requires that a candidate be a natural citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents. Since he was not,should it be proven that Obama was not bo rn in Hawaii, as claimed, he is ineligible without further debate. But assuring that he was born there, he has another problem.

According to a legal researcher who has contacted the AFP, U.S. law very clearly states: "If only one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for a minimum of 10 years, five of which must be after the age of 16." And therein lies Obama's new problem.

Barack Obama's father was never a U.S. citizen.

Interestingly, there isn't much paperwork on the marriage of Obama's parents, and this has a few researchers speculating that it never took place at all. On page 27 of "Obama: From Promise to Power", David Mendell writes: "Obama later confessed that he never searched for the government documents on the marriage, although Madelyn (Obama's materna l grandmother) insisted they were legally married." He also notes that Obama's father apparently was not legally divorced from his first wife back in Kenya at the time, a point of contention that ultimately led to their separation. This also would suggest that there may never have been any legal marriage by Obama's parents at all, but the Constitution does not ban an illegitimate child from the White House, as long as he was born inside the U.S.

Obama's mother was born in Kansas and was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she satisfied the citizen requirement for 10 years, she was not a citizen for at least five years prior to Obama's birth. In essence, the mother alone is not old enough to qualify her some for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, two years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already three years old at the time his mother turned 21.

Technically, Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen, but that, of course, would disqualify him from holding the office of president. If the allegations are accurate, America could install in January of 2009 a new president who is not even a U.S. citizen, neither born nor naturalized.

It should be demanded that Obama produce his 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.

If he cannot satisfactorily do so, he should be deemed immediately ineligible to hold the office of president."

Please pass this on to everyone you know.

For our Freedom and Liberties




  1. There is a lawsuit filed last week over this issue in PA.  

  2. Of course it's not true. The entire content of the American Free is written like something dreamed up by Dale Gribble from "King of the Hill."

    Here is a link to a jpeg of Obama's birth certificate. It shows he was born in Honolulu.

    Some will claim this is a forgery. Don't be fooled by them.

  3. I just feel the need to respond to your last line "for our freedom and liberties".  If you have not noticed, those have been eroding over the last 8 years under Bush and Republicans.  Your freedoms and liberties are truly maintained under a democratic congress, senate, and presidential administration.  

  4. Hi Stormy Seas,

    When I first heard about this theory of Obama's birth...I dismissed it on the grounds that if there was any truth behind this accusations than Hillary would have used this information when she was running for the democrat nomination.... since than, I have had to rethink my initial assumption....If Hillary had this kind of information from the beginning (which she would have..given the Clinton's record they would have sleuth this out )she wouldn't have wanted to use it right off or even at the end of the sitting back and waiting for the information to come forth the longer it took to come out and prove the better off she would be..if the information came out to early than another candidate might have had time to make a run at the nomination with the election only a few months off the possibility of this happening is not likely, if Obama would be disqualified... Hillary will have the nomination and have saved a lot of time, energy ,and cost  

    Another reason I have had second thoughts on this matter is that a copy of a birth certificate in this country isn't something hard to obtain...this issue shouldn't even be an issue ....and by all rights , should have been dismissed and laid to rest at the first question a long time ago with positive proof obtain with very little effort...but for some reason it hasn't......


    I just clicked on the link Scribepalladin provided...If this is the documentation the Obama campaign is using as proof of birth..I can honestly say ,I understand all the scrutiny....first off this is not an original birth certificate... this isn't even an official copy of a birth certificate....there is no embossed seal visible anywhere on this document...even a scanned copy of a copy with an embossing seal will show up......the thing on the leader not an official seal.....another give away is how the fathers race is would never be listed as a continent 1961 it would have been listed as ***** or *******....never African.....another thing ,...the certificate number is not like a social security number...the only reason someone would cover this number up is to keep the number from being traced (which would just lead back to this supposed birth certificate) so what would be the point of covering it up....unless the number lead to another person...or if the form was a blank....

    I think after viewing this document I will remain "fooled" until a true official copy of Obama's birth certificate is brought forth...which should not pose much of a problem..unless it is true what is being said.......

    this is just my recent thoughts on the matter ...I must say, I was somewhat surprised by the document they are using as proof of birth.....I wasn't expecting it to look so..... fake......

    *** why is the two words I listed as race that was used in the sixties...and is not considered a slur or cuss word being blocked out? they are again minus some letters ...N_gro or N_gr_id

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