
Could this dream mean anything?

by  |  earlier

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In the dream and standing in the locker room talking to this girl, like flirty talking, as we change back into our clothes (it is the other girls birthday). Then another girl (Samatha, I think her name was) comes in and starts talking to the birthday girl and asks her out. The birthday girl (Avery) doesn't answer yet but I feel really jealous and leave the locker room.

Then I'm looking for this guy that apparently we are friends with and I go up to this guy and say, "Have you seen Andrew?" and he tells me he hasn't.

Then as I'm walking away he says to some other guy, "She's looking for Andrew cuz she probably f***ed him." I'm embarassed, but I have to find Andrew so I keep walking.

Then I find him in the hall and I grab his arm and whisper into his ear, "Samatha doesn't know I'm bi." His face is all like 'ohhhh', if that makes sence to you. Then he walks away.

So....what does this mean!?




  1. no- dreams are random images without meaning

  2. It might mean that sub-consciously you are or want to be bi-sexual

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