
Could this girl like me?

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I'm going to be a senior in high school this year and this girl from my school who I don't really talk to that much was working at a store register and I went through her line....Anyways, I looked up at her when there were like 2 people ahead of me in the line and she looked at me and I looked away...(because I was checking her out)....When I got up there to her she said "Hi Jake" in a happy voice with a smile, and I said hi back. Then she asked how my summer went and said it went by way too fast. Then at the end she just kind of started laughing and then said "ok well I'll see you at school" in a happy voice again and smiled and that was that....Could she like me or am I just making something out of nothing?




  1. she could be interested, or maybe she just being friendly.  

  2. I think she is either slightly interested, or just very friendly. Girls are either very shy around the guys they like, or overly flirty and out-going with the guys they like. She seems to be in the middle.

  3. The only thing we can tell from that interaction is that she doesn't dislike you. If she looked away from you because you were checking her out, or if the demands of her job required her attention, I can not tell. If she did catch you checking her out, and then smiled and became friendly, she likes you. The real question is, do you like her? If you do I recommend you ask her out. your chances seem very good.

  4. No. She's just being friendly to her customer.

  5. No she does not, she is pretending.

  6. Something out of nothing, i laughed at the "went way too fast" bit too so you just made her luagh.

  7. You're making some thing out of nothing. If you want her, invite her to do some thing casual. Don't ask her on a date. Ask her to go to the beach or come to a party.

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