
Could this had possibly been a UFO?

by  |  earlier

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it was about a year ago and i was on a plane with my mom. we were going from texas to canada. i waqs looking out my window for a while and i swear, i saw this small looking white bowl thing. it look pretty small from where i was at, but im not sure how big it actually was. i was very well hidden because it was between these 2 HUGE clouds. i dont know how i spotted them, but people have said i have very good eyes, and once i focus on something, i can find things i want. i wasnt expecting to find anything in the air, but i saw something. my mom was asleep and she wouldnt have been able to see it in time, cause i only got a 10-15 second look at it. it wasnt a plane because the shape was literally like a bright white bowl, almost like a satellite. and im not sure it was moving. i couldnt tell. i told my brother and my mom and said they really werent sure, and of course, planes wont let you use cameras so i couldnt get a picture. i swear im telling the truth, im not making any of this up




  1. I agree with TigerSta...     THERE ARE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCH THINGS AS ALIENS... and the bowl looking thing could have been ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! it could have even been a reflection from the sun.....

  2. You're not allowed to take photos on planes? I haven't flown in a few years but I hadn't heard of this rule...

    Unidentified Flying Objects. What you saw IS a UFO by that definition. But what is it? Is it a trick of the light? Is it an alien spacecraft? Is it a top secret military craft that they'll deny the existence of for the next 50 years?

    There is no way to prove what it was that you saw. It could have been any of these things. It could have been a weather balloon...  or Venus? :P

    The Universe is so huge, and there are so many stars out there, that I would be shocked if it turned out that we were truly alone.

    But the distances are so huge, and Earth is so small and insignificant, I don't know why anyone would go to the trouble of coming here, unless it was by accident, or part of some systematic survey.

    The UFO I saw when I was 15, I believe was a military plane. You have to decide for yourself what you believe your experience to have been. Just don't let other people tell you what to think.

    No matter what it was, aliens are out there - somewhere!

  3. did you see it from the top or side   if it was the top, it could have been a weather balloon

  4. ok well lets see you saw a white bowl well are you sure it was a space craft or maybe just maybe you were hungry an saw a white bowl because that was the only way that your body could tell you that you were hungry ok well laterz =]

  5. i'm kinda believe that life other than earth exists... i watched discovery channel before and (i'm one of those who don't believe in aliens)... man's so creative to form an image of such like big heads/eyes thin bodies... long arms etc... Unidentified Flying Object meant to be unknown it's beyond man's knowledge, thinking that aliens also speak the beyond knowledge.... there was a little explanation that really caught my attention... while watching they talked about sites of meteor that fell from heaven and every meteor that successfully lands on the earth's surface are experimented and observed. They noticed that the leftover heat from a meteor was still strong and when they tried to video it using a heat (something detector camera) they noticed that the heat travels on the sand towards the ground. They arrived a little hypothesis, long study, etc... that it may not be impossible that man are the real aliens... no one proved this but no one also can describe what an alien really look like...

  6. I totally believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe.  Earth is only a speck of dust and we humans have only explored other specks of dust compared to whats out there in this huge universe.  I believe you and there are many others that have seen things that can't be explained.

    People believe in Gods that they can't see so why is believing in aliens so far fetched?

  7. yesu did see a ufo

  8. yes im sure it was UFO's are mostly spotted around airplaines I don't know why but some say there are extraterrestrials inside them waching us to see what were up to in the skys.

  9. could've possibly been a weather ballon but it being in texas yeah maybe a UFO

  10. The term "UFO" simply means "unidentified flying object"; that is, an object in the sky that you were unable to identify. So yes, you did see a UFO. That does not automatically imply an off-world origin - from your description it could have been a weather balloon or something.

  11. Yes, it was an UFO, and I don't mean like in the first answer, unidentified flying object, it was an alien ship! I saw one too from a plane once, it was in a cumulus cloud and it came out for just like 3 seconds. I think they're watching us, trying to learn our secrets, waiting for chuck norris to die to conquer the world!

    No, seriously aliens DO exist, but I don't think they're thin and go around space in white bouls or discs. If the universe is infinite than because of chance other life HAS to exist, in at least 1 form other than humanoid..................

    the truth is out there!!!!!

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