
Could this have been a ghost of some sort?

by  |  earlier

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Door was closed and window was again covered too. All I know is i jumped out of the bed and went into another room. This house was built in the early 1900's like i said and was on a historic street of the city that has quite a bit of history to it.




  1. The sound you heard was probably something completely different, and might have been from outside. However, you were kind of talking about spooky stuff, and starteled yourselves and came to the conclusion that it must have been a ghost.

    The laser light might have been one of your brothers or your cousin messing around on you. Also, if it was dark it might have been standing still. A bright red dot on a black field will appear to move around because you have no points of reference for the dot. You can try this out by placing something with a red light, like a remote control or something across a very dark room. It will appear to dance around. Its actually the eyes that are moving, but because you have no point of reference for the dot, the mind transfers the movement to the dot.

  2. No, there are no such things as ghosts.

    I suggest that the sound came from outside your building.

    The human brain is designed to make patterns from random pieces of data. Evolutionally, this is great, however it can lead us to false positives.

    This is probably why you are asking this question. "talking about ghosts" + "unexpected noise" = "ghost in the house".

    It is sad, but some people are more prone to making this type of connection than others, and often these people will refuse to listen to reason. Please don't waste your life chasing non-existant entities or on conspiracy theories.

    As for the red dot, I'm no optician, but this sounds like a floater, or perhaps a more serious optical problem. I suggest you get a full eye exam as soon as possible.

  3. Sure, it could have been, but why assume it was?

    The age of the house has nothing to do with it.  Saying it's old just plants the idea that it's more likely to be haunted.  Children talking about death creates a situation ripe for the misinterpretation of natural events.

    As far as the red light thing goes, why not get up and get a closer look?  If you had investigated it rather than assume it's a ghost of some sort you wouldn't be asking this question.

  4. Ghosts don't exist but demons do and sometimes they pretend to be ghosts in order to trick people into thinking they are harmless which they aren't.

    So I think demons were what you and your family heard.

  5. could have been something attracted by the topic of your conversation and it just wanted to scare you a little, who says ghosts don't have a sense of humor? lol, then again, like others suggested it could have been a noise from outside, peraonally, i would do some investigation and see if you get anymore activity

  6. Did the house have an attic or something where some little creature could have knocked something over?  I've never encountered anything that couldn't be explained "scientifically", but sometimes the explanation is so unlikely that you would never think of it.  That's not to say there aren't paranormal occurrences though, and they could also have totally natural causes that we are just unable to understand with our current technology.

    So, could it have been a ghost?  Sure, if there is such a thing.    It could also be some really weird coincidence.

  7. Very strange answers here from people trying to make a "logical" explanations for u. Amazing. Yes there are such things as ghosts. james Van Paaugh is an excellent source on this subject. Silvia Brown is too. As my readings have taught me what u probably experienced was earthbound spirits hanging around. A former resident of ur place that is either protecting u are someone else in the house. If ur afraid to talk to the ghost and ask it why it is there and see if u can help them, call a priest or someone and see if u csn get them to cross over. I really doubt this ghost or ghosts want to harm anyone.

    Don't be scared pls.

  8. It is possible, it is also possible that since you were talking about death that your imagination took over.

  9. That's really strange, because I've seen a little red light on walls too. I always thought it was my brother playing with a toy or something.

    Do you think whatever you heard could've fallen outside? Like, in a garage?

  10. yea, i reckon it was a ghost.

  11. There have been other reports on here of seeing red laser-like lights. I wish I could find the posts about it for you. I know  someone on here who was interested in these lights too. I'll see if I can get them to answer your question. I would be concerned too if I kept hearing that noise. Might have to do with your AC or plumbing..but might be something else too.

    Edit..Here are some links you might want to check out...

  12. There is always that possibility but first you must rule out anything that could have caused the noises and lights.  

    My suggestion to you is to consult a local group if you are the homeowner and let them help you prove or disprove what is happening in your home.

  13. Oh yes, that totally sounds like a ghost. You know in olden times ghosts had to content with moaning and groaning and rattling their chains but today's ghost has really embraced modern technology. The only thing a ghost likes better than a good laser pointer is a fault with your electrical equipment. Gosh you can almost hear them chuckling as they make your lights flicker and change the volume on your telly. Such scallywags!

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