
Could this have caused my cats kidney failure??

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My cat had recently died last year. She had heart mur mur and I was just wondering if this would've caused her kidney failure. I still have my other cat and she has heart mur mur too. Should I be worried about her now??




  1. Idk but My heart goes out to you.  I recently found out my dog has kidney failure.  I'm trying not to think about what caused it and just concentrate on enjoying her.  Your vet will have answers for you and hope you too just enjoy every minute with her.

  2. My first kitty died of kidney failure. He was so sweet. I was only about 8 years old and woke up to find my nice kitty dying. :( I don't think your cat's death had to with his heart murmur. Sorry about it though.

  3. yess i would since the other had died. sorry 2 hear that!=[

  4. no.  a lot of cats are prone to kidney problems, more then likely there was nothing you could have done

  5. one of my cats has a heart mur mur, she's 14 years old and a side from old age, she's well.  i take her to the vet regularly.  i wouldn't worry about your cat.  just remember to have regular check-ups.

  6. Not as likely that the heart murmur caused the kidney problems, but it is more likely for a cat with kidney issues and sometimes other issues to also have a heart murmur.

    I would worry about her now and would recommend having a blood panel done on her to check the status of her kidney function. It is always easier to try to prevent or slow a problem down rather than handling the problem after it has gotten out of control. At least that way you can stop asking the "what if" questions without the facts.

    Also a good thing to know, cats over 12 years of age are more likely to develop kidney failure than those who are younger. It is a very common problem because cats are developed to live in arid conditions and will go without drinking water if water is short. Buying a water fountain (I like the drink-well brand) and placing your cat on a canned food diet or a kidney canned food diet would be supportive of her kidneys. Water consumption at this point is very important. The free flowing water from the fountain triggers there natural habits. Cats will naturally gravitate to fresh flowing water because it is typically cleaner in the wild rather stagnant standing water.

    Hope that answers your question. Good Luck.

  7. No, they are unrelated.  Kidney and liver failure is one of the most common causes of death for domestic cats.  

  8. No.  Heart murmurs do not affect kidneys; instead, they represent a failure of the heart to properly distribute blood.  If you're worried, however, you can get a full blood panel on your kitty (at least a renal profile).

  9. The causes of kidney disease are not fully understood. However, there does seem to be a link between kidney disease and heart problems. Kidney disease can overburden the heart and heart problems can affect the kidneys, so either can be affected by the other, but it is not known which is to blame. The heart and the kidneys do the most work in a cat and both are subject to wear out over time.

  10. Kidney disease in cats has done 75% of damage by the time it shows up on lab work. A proper diet will extend a kitty's life.And the kidney disease and heart murmur are unrelated.

  11. The heart murmur should not have caused her kidney failure.  Kidney problems is one of the most common causes of death in cats, especially if they are older.  I am sorry about your loss and please don't think that the heart problem will cause kidney failure in your other cat.  All you can do is make sure she gets regular checkups and make sure she stays on her meds if she is on any.  Bloodwork can sometimes catch kidney problems early and you can help her out with a diet low in protein that is made to help the kidneys work less hard.  I know what you went through because I also recently lost my cat to kidney failure.  He was 16, and he was the best friend ever.  We miss him very much, as I am sure you miss yours.  

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