Ok, so I have been smoking cigarettes and weed for the past 4 years. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 6 years ago.
Right now i am going through a horrible time in life. I am going through a very bad dysphoric episode.
Unfortunately I have run out of money and can't afford cigarettes nor weed.
I know they are both bad for you, but that's not my concern, the problem is, is it safe to just go cold turkey on weed and cigarettes while suffering from an already draining bipolar episode?
Especially if you literally smoked weed all day everyday for the past few years as well as a pack a day of cigs.
Dysphoric manic quitting cigaretes quiting weed = could this hurt me because of withdrawal?
I remember last time i quit weed, it was HORRIBLE and back then I used to smoke one every 2-3 days, right now i was smoking once every 2-3 hours.
It been 12 hours since my last cig and weed. Weed urge aint that bad, but no cigs is starting to drive me crazy.
So let me ask you, its this safe? Will this go out of control and endanger me and people around me? Dysphoric mania especially has left me on the edge, irritated, and filled with unnecessary rage.
Should I go to the ER if it gets too crazy? I obviously can't even borrow money from anybody, because what I am going to tell them "hey let me borrow 50 bucks for some weed and cigs"?