
Could this hurt me more mentally than it might already be?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I have been smoking cigarettes and weed for the past 4 years. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 6 years ago.

Right now i am going through a horrible time in life. I am going through a very bad dysphoric episode.

Unfortunately I have run out of money and can't afford cigarettes nor weed.

I know they are both bad for you, but that's not my concern, the problem is, is it safe to just go cold turkey on weed and cigarettes while suffering from an already draining bipolar episode?

Especially if you literally smoked weed all day everyday for the past few years as well as a pack a day of cigs.


Dysphoric manic quitting cigaretes quiting weed = could this hurt me because of withdrawal?

I remember last time i quit weed, it was HORRIBLE and back then I used to smoke one every 2-3 days, right now i was smoking once every 2-3 hours.

It been 12 hours since my last cig and weed. Weed urge aint that bad, but no cigs is starting to drive me crazy.

So let me ask you, its this safe? Will this go out of control and endanger me and people around me? Dysphoric mania especially has left me on the edge, irritated, and filled with unnecessary rage.

Should I go to the ER if it gets too crazy? I obviously can't even borrow money from anybody, because what I am going to tell them "hey let me borrow 50 bucks for some weed and cigs"?




  1. Let me start by telling you that I'm bipolar and I sometimes use marijuana to control my episodes, too. Marijuana is addicting, more for some people than others, and more at greater frequencies. Whether it is physiologically addicting or psychologically addicting is really kind of irrelevant, because you're going to suffer some kind of withdrawal either way.

    I've found marijuana to be an extremely effective short-term mood stabilizer. However, once it wears off, I've found my mood episodes to be worse than they were to start with, which leads to a vicious cycle.

    If you've been controlling your mania with marijuana, then coming off the marijuana may well make it worse. If you do begin to feel like you're out of control, yes, you should go to your emergency room, because psychotic symptoms are not something you want to toy with. You might find yourself in some very, very bad situations if you let a manic episode run wild, especially a dysphoric manic episode. Dysphoric mania puts you at a high risk of suicide.

    Cigarettes are very physically addicting, but I don't think it's going to have a severe impact on your bipolar, except perhaps by making you more irritable. So, quitting both during a dysphoric mania isn't the best idea, especially if you have no other meds to help control it. Definitely get the advice of a doctor, because severe bipolar really needs to be controlled with medication.

    Good luck!

  2. you shouldn't have started doing drugs or smoking in the first place >.<

    and now look at where u are XD

    sorry...haha XD i just had to say that =3

    if it gets too bad that you can hurt others around you then go get need it!!! or go to the doctor..>.<

    u should get some patches or gum to help the Cig craving....>.<

    you should just ask ur buddies to buy the patches or gun or whatever for u instead of u borowing the money to buy your cigs...XD haha

    best of luck!!!

  3. Yes, it is safe, you will not die or get "hurt". The ciggs will be a lot harder because of the psysical addiction. Bravo for quiting, I'm trying it too. As for the weed, in general if  a person has bipolar, any drugs are a bad combo, weed is the least harmful, but not a good idea because it can lead to harder drugs. I would ween yourself from the ciggs and stop the weed completly. Good Luck

  4. Only 2 drugs can kill you when you withdraw from them

    1) Alcohol

    2) Vallium

    Both induce fits.

    Perhaps you have just had a 'Moment of Clarity' and your life is about to change beyond your wildest dreams. But it wont if you go back to the chemicals.

  5. You've lost your self-medication at a time when you need to be medicated.  It sounds like you already know this.  It may get worse.  THC takes quite a while to leave your system, but that doesn't mean the first few days are a piece of cake.  No cigs probably will drive you up the wall for a week more or less.  My suggestion is that you go to the ER while you head is still functioning well enough to know that's a place you can and should go.  I have bipolar, too, so I have a good idea how dysphoric mania can spin out of control.  That's not what you want, right?  Going now is much easier than going later and I mean that more about later than I do so much about now.

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