I think that everyone is waking up to the fact that we're killing the planet around us. Just look at the millions spent in advertising "go green" themes in ads, t-shirts, magazines, etc...
Why not bass a bill for mandatory recycling in all public schools across America?
I went to a small 3-A high school in Texas, and that school alone went through over 800,000 Styrofoam trays at its cafeteria year. Not to mention what the total amount of paper and plastic wastes it must have totaled.
Imagine if a number up to ten times that size could be recycled in paper, plastics, and other recyclable resources. This would also provide jobs to help stimulate the economy and would have a tremendous effect on the way Americans think about recycling and the wasteful lifestyle we live. Granted the government probably wouldn't be able to think about that kind of spending for some years to come, it may be able to help just in time.
Do you think it could work?