
Could this name go for either gender?

by Guest45045  |  earlier

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Could the name August be a boy and girl name? Do you think it sounds better on a particular gender?

I absolutely love this name.




  1. I think it could be for either, but sounds better for a boy.

  2. To me it sounds like a girls name! But it can go both ways! Great choice!

  3. That's such a beautiful name.

    I think so, but I think it would be stunning with a girl. Also, Autumn, or October.


  4. Augustus i think is more the male form

  5. August is an old German name for a male person.

  6. hmm, i think it would go better with a girl.

    but its cute either way.


  7. Boy. Augusta is the female version. I know an August. =)

  8. Yes

  9. I should never used as a persons name.

  10. sounds better on a girl...its kinda g*y for a guy to  be named august ): sorry

  11. Dave Matthews and Mariska Hargitay both named their sons August. So I think of it more as a boy name, but it I can imagine a girl with that name.

    Dave Matthews: August Oliver

    Mariska Hargitay: August Miklos Friedrich

  12. it could maybe perhaps go for both..

    but since most month names r girl names i think it is better suited for a girl

    a boy mite get made fun of for this name

  13. Since "Gus" is a guy's name, I think the name sounds more masculine.

  14. Sounds better for a girl :) I love it too! But i'd make it a girl name :)

  15. It could go for both but I think it sounds better for a girl.....

  16. I luv that name more but I think it'd go better for a female.

  17. i think it go for either gender

    it's cute. i think it would sound

    better on a boy.

  18. I suppose it could be either.........but I have only heard it for a boy.  

  19. I really like the name August as well! From personal experience, I believe that it's a unisex name but most likely to be a boy's instead.  

  20. Ohhh that's so pretty and unique! I love it! I'd probably say it'd be best for a girl, it just seems girly to me.  

  21. No, it's a girls name. i would hate to be called August.

  22. Since the name of the month comes from Caesar Augustus (the 1st emperor of the Roman Empire), the name sounds masculine.  

    So for a first name, I would limit its use to a boy.

    If you had to give this name to a girl, I would limit it to a middle name like 'Caitlin August'.

  23. For the name August all I can think of is Augustus Gloop from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." He was eating all of the time and got stuck in a tube of chocolate. But then there is St. Augustine.

    I wouldn't use it for a boy or girl--but that is just me.

  24. i think it sounds better as a girls name.  

  25. I think it sounds like more of a boy's name.

  26. There was another question about the name August this morning. I agree that it's an adorable name.

    I usually think of it as a boy's name, but I don't think it would be that  big of a deal for it to be a girl's name.


  27. It could be used for either, but I think it sounds more like a girl's name. Cute though =]

  28. i likee it better for a girl cause for a boy it just sounds a lil too famine

  29. I hate the name but it sounds like a boy's name to me.

  30. I think the name is great for both genders! Have you seen the movie August Rush? It was a boy named August in the movie. I think the name can go either way!

  31. I automatically thought of a girl.

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