
Could this planet get by without cockroaches and ticks???

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I can't imagine a real purpose for ticks but cockroaches maybe - but not sure.




  1. well they are worthless beings on this planet so theirs no point in letting them live

  2. Nope it would break the cycle of life! There are many animals that eat them to stay alive! roaches are super high in protein! They are considered good eating in other countries.


  3. Cockroaches eat what they find lying around. In the wild,it's dead and decaying organic matter. In your house,it's the stuff you left out on the counter over night. If they didn't eat the decaying organic matter,it could build up to intolerable levels. They eat the garbage of the world!

  4. I don't know what ecological niche they fill, but you can be sure that it is an important one since these creatures inhabit the whole world. If they went extinct it would make much more of a difference than if some rare creature like the Barton Springs Salamander went extinct.

  5. I think that this world would be a far better place without cockroaches.  I can see no purpose for them at all.  I abhor them.   Ticks are not the greatest things in the world, but at least they stay outside most of the time, and I rarely encounter them, so I don't think about them.  I don't have dogs, and I keep my two cats indoors, so that means of contact does not happen, in my case.  I can't imagine anyone being able to fathom any real purpose for cockroaches.  They are filthy and disgusting, and I don't want to ever share my abode with them.  *sm*

  6. sure it could. just like the lawyers and politicans

  7. they are life forms that are as useful as humans... maybe more so

  8. I always say that insects are the most powerful species for their size.  Like it or not, the strong survive.  If humans ever go billions of years or whenever...roaches or some other insect will be next in line to take over the world.

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