
Could this really happen??

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I have my grand mother's remains in an earn on the fire place(creamated) Is it true that she could be in my house watching me??? please help im kinda freaked out.




  1. The category of your question is "mythology and folklore".  You are freaking out over a myth and an old wives tale.  No, it couldn't happen..get real.  

  2. No because human eyes dont work very well after death and cremation. So she cant see you.

  3. It's possible, but not because you have her ashes. Spirits tend to frequent places or people that had significance to them during life. They are not tied to their remains.

  4. Absolutely, but it would have nothing to do with having her ashes in your house. She would pop in to see you because she loves you. It's really a good thing. I imagine after I transition, I'll be checking up on a few people...

  5. ya if see's visting u she can do that with any of her loved ones

  6. Her spirit could still be there looking after you, yes. Don't worry or be freaked out - shes your grandmother! She wouldn't just be standing there watching you... she probably would only visit you once in a while. Respect her remains, and all will be well.

  7. her body may be in the earn, but her spirit remains, she could be watching you, but if she is a spirit you knew, its good that she is watching you, :), and if you believe she is still with you, talk to her, she obviously wants to be around you  :)

  8. yeah she could be there watching you...or she is just really close to the place so thats one of the places you can find her

  9. It's possible maybe.Ok this is what I heard.If a person committs suicide that person's spirit usually wanders around.Nothing to be scared of.It's just a person.Not a bad one

  10. yes

    would that bother you?

  11. in yo dreams

  12. I doubt it. Just because this one physical form of her soul is still here doesn't mean the soul is. It's probably already moved on to someplace else.

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