
Could this situation with the Georgians, Russians and Ossetians erupt into a bigger conflict?

by Guest44550  |  earlier

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it seems everything that has ever happened in that region of the world always erupts out of the Balkans.

Otto Von Bismarck even said, "If there is ever another war in Europe, it will come out of some damned silly thing in the Balkans."

America still has military personnel in Georgia, and the South Ossetians broke the cease fire, and then a whole battalion of Russian armor and a division of infantry men poured across the North Ossetian border into South Ossetia in minutes.

Isn't that a little suspicious that the Russians were able to mobilize nearly six hundred armored vehicles and four thousand soldiers and send them into South Ossetia on such short notice?

Also Russia isn't happy that Georgia is seeking N.A.T.O. membership and is an ally of the west. Russia has also been at odds with the ethnic people of Georgia for two hundred years.

Now here is my theory.

South Ossetia attacks Georgia, Russia has mobilized a force stationed at the North Ossetian region inside of Russia waiting for the South Ossetian attack.

Russians pour into South Ossetia, backing them and attacking Georgian forces with the main goal of toppling the Georgian government for their own motives.

Also since there are still US combat trainers in Georgia, if Russian combat planes hit a base and kill any US military personnel, how do you think the American government would react?

I personally think that we would retaliate and station troops at the Russian border in Europe.

I want everyone to share your opinions and theories.





  1. We should go to war if necessary over the freedom of the Georgian people.

  2. :>I want everyone to share your opinions and theories.

    Your opinion is propahanda of Georgian President who lie all the time to USA people. He want to be in NATO and take all the power of nato to kill civils to get more land.

    He started war and now people are die becoze of this new georgian ruler.

  3. As I have been saying all day, Europe is not the powder keg that it was in the early 20th century or in the 30's. Therefore there is no reason for us to attack Russia in force and thus we should prevent a renewed European war because we will gain nothing from it, nor will the Russians if they square off against the U.S or NATO.

    The circumstances are entirely different.

    This is definitely a serious event that could have far reaching international responses, but escalating into a full-blown major war between global powers isn't likely at this point.

    The Russians, South Ossetians and Abkhazians stay out of the rest of Georgia this should simmer back down, at least militarily.

  4. Stupid Europeans!! You understand, that South Ossetia NEVER loved Georgia and has been violently attached to it!! 95 percent of the population in Southern Ossetia-with Russian passports, these people-Russian!!! And Georgians have attacked at night, meanly, as Hitler, city where there live Russian people!!! Russian protect the people as it would be made with any normal country!! Georgians have killed Russian peacemakers!! So let Russian will kill all the Georgian.

    I live Russia and I see on the TV things,which you CAN'T SEE!!!! I see, how the Georgian tanks move Russian old woman with children who run along the street, being rescueed from bullets. I hear from women, which жэивут in Northern Ossetia as Georgian the soldier pins up a knife of the ten years' boy!! It is not a shame to you?

  5. No, too shallow conflict, yankees got stuck in Iraq and Afganestane new war new losses and economy will survive scarcely

  6. Doubt it. From what I've read. Georgia's in the wrong & they really bit off more than they can chew. South Ossetia likes Russia more than Georgia. Besides the US & Russia aren't in a place politically where they'd come to blows. It going to be a real pain, economically, tho'.

  7. This was orchestrated by Russia, and was planned for a long time.   As you said, they had their troops at the ready.  They have been supporting the separatists in this.  Russia made this happen, not Georgia.

    The thing that can make this huge is the pipeline.  And that's going to be a point of contention whether this calms down or starts at another time.  There may be Israeli troops as well as American troops in Georgia.  I know Georgia has been sending troops to Israel for training, so it's a possibility.

    I think Russia will back down though.  But if they don't, the USA will get involved.  They're not going to let a strategic base and an extremely pro-Western country be messed around by the Russians.

  8. your theory sounds good and realistic but i doubt the us will get into another war

  9. both sides were definitely shooting at each other and both sides have been building up their military forces in the area.

    based on the reports though, the russian incursion was provoked by massive georgian missile strikes at south ossetia in a seeming attempt to defeat and conquer the separatists. it is even surmised that georgia deliberately timed it with olympic games opening to gain surprise but were themselves surprised by the russian invasion which they probably thought wouldnt happen since putin would be embarrassed to go to war while amongst other world leaders in beijing. geogians however grossly miscalculated the russians.  personally, i think russia itself was bound to erupt somehow given the diplomatic setbacks it has been having lately so that a military adventure like this would in a way boost their damaged prestige/ego.

  10. We should have kicked Russia's butt,after Germany fall.

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