
Could this statement be true.?

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When humans go really deep and face the truth about life and them selves, their ego's won't allow them to live with it. So they come up with words like,( The devils best trick was convincing man that he doesn't really exist). You see the irony is that we can't advance without emotions and ego's, which are developed from success in life, having succeeded at the demise of the next man.




  1. You're correct about the fact that we can't advance without our emotions but success doesn't ultimately come as another's failure. It's like looking at the half empty/full glass. Is it my success? Is it his/her failure? Why can't you just say that it is a glass of water? If we could all think of achievements as trying our best, we wouldn't have to worry about beating someone or being beaten. If we could even find the complete meaning of life I think it would be more along the lines of 'Life is what you make it'. If you believe you have found the answer, you have found the answer. However, in reality, we cannot know the answer. Except, of course, 42:)

  2. i'm not religious. you are a genius flat out. but i don't think we as homosapians can look within ourselves and handle the truth. we present ourselves as something other than what we are. it s a curse but a blessing. keeps society in advancement... ha ha and to think i'm so much younger than you'll ever guess

  3. Then you have to ask yourself, which is the real you?  Is it the Id, the Ego or the Superego.  What defines a person's soul?  Is your unbridled wants, or the amount of restraint you can wield?  Do your goals define you or what you haven't accomplished?  What exactly is the truth of self and how can you define it?  Who can define it for you?

    Philosphy majors are been trying to determine that for years.  If you can figure it out, they'll probably name a branch of philosphy after you.

    This is a philosphy question, but I won't fault you for that.

  4. Yes i think that is true. The Bible says all is vanity (implying that all is about US, the self, our ego, what we think what we want how we feel.) So when we dig down deep and face the truth we find that WE are evil and selfish to the core. Only Jesus (not good deeds) can save us from our sinful nature.

  5. I believe emotion has more to do with that than ego.  So what happens when there is limited success, would the ego and emotions suffer to the point that a human could no longer function?  Or does it have only a negative affect, which would explain the problems in our society today?

  6. You are a m a z i n i n g!  Very thoughtful indeed.  Shall we jump off a cliff together?  LOL  just kidding about the cliff thing.  My ego doesn't know how to handle the thought of death so I avoid it at all cost!

  7. True, Quite True..


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