
Could this sub give me more bass?

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Could my 12 inch MTX RoadThunder sub give me more bass than my friends 2 12 inch subs the brand of my friends subs is dual.




  1. Trixter, is dead on here. a enclosure can make every bit of difference. a enclosure can easily sway a driver 6-9db and differnt drivers can be more eff. as well. doubling power will only get you 3db, so you can see amplification is only a one part of the total SPL. and i would agree the enclosure is key.

    and a 12" mtx has way more potential than a pair of duals. but if the duals are the ones i am thinking of the bandpass box they are in is actually very effiecient. sounds like butt,  but it is loud (considering).

  2. The MTX can most certain provide more bass.  The amount of power that you're providing to your sub versus his subs and the type of box that you're using will be the deciding factors.

  3. the biggest deciding factor is the sub enclosure.

    with the proper enclosure, you can use 200w and be louder than 500w.

  4. Well it depends on how the subs are set up and how many watts are running through the subs. If your sub has a significantly greater watt ratting then yes i would think that it could produce more bass than the 2 12inch subs. Try retuning your sub and see how much bass you can get.

    Hope this helps.

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