
Could this work for helping gas prices with out risking the enviroment?

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the federal government gives auto makers guideline on how much emmisions a given car can put out. It has been proven that cars that pollute more can get better mileage. I have tried this myself by removing certain exhaust parts from my car and went from 22mpg to 29mpg therfore decreasing my quantity of gas i use. If auto makers were allowed to do similar things then vehicles could get better mileage, causing less fuel to be burned. So i guess what i am getting at is make cars pollute more while cutting back on the quantity of gas therfore lower the amount of gas we use, that pollutes the air anyways. Would we find our selves putting the same amount of carbon monocide into the air even though cars are polluting more, but burning less fuel? It sound like a bad thing but i could leave the enciroment win the same situation while haveing cheaper gas




  1. Hydrogen cars, already being produced and sold in other countries...and advertised on American television.  Save the world...hydrogen is the answer.

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