
Could those in the publishing industry provide help ...?

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to create an easily intelligible English, which will include our colloquial terms and the most essential words.

Because there are thriving communities of English native speakers in countries all over the world, and this historical diaspora has led to some noticeable differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in different countries, as well as those variations which exist between different regions, and across the social strata, within the same country. Even within the British Isles, there are significant regional language differences.




  1. well the english language itself has always been changing or tranforming itself. Just look at english and american.

    the media is made up of local networks, and channels and want to identify with their market niche, therefore they will probably use reporters and people with the local coloquial slangs or expressions.

    also, the media is made up of people, people who grew up talking a certain way; and although they can fake an accent or get used to speaking a certain way, it always provides to be a difficult task; and the media has to spend much more money on a coach...

    and stuff...

  2. A qualified "yes!" In responding to this good question, Joe H reminds us that any language is constantly changing, not only over time, but from place to place, so we must expect variety in the way things are written, not the relative consistency we now receive from publishers. If writers would self-publish with phonetic or even instant messaging spelling, readers would see the advantages of this better way of writing. This could, in turn force publishers to adopt the phonetic writing system.

  3. When IM and TXT messaging arrived, people wanted to message quickly and a new set of shorthand developed from the need. However, English is still alive and well. I have a good friend who teaches HS English. Here is a version of her speech at the beginning of each semester. "My name is Mrs. X and this is junior English. We will be learning English this semester, and you will be required to write several essays and papers. You need to be aware that all of these writing assignments need to be written in proper English. Any paper that is turned in with technological shorthand will receive an automatic failing grade. There will be no exceptions."

    Transliteration is the practice of transcribing a word or text written in one writing system into another writing system or system of rules for such practice.

    From a linguistic point of view, transliteration is a mapping from one system of writing into another, word by word. Transliteration attempts to be exact, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words. To achieve this objective transliteration may define complex conventions for dealing with letters in a source script which do not correspond with letters in a goal script.

    Take some Gaelic (original language of the Celts)

    Add a little Latin (from the Roman invasion)

    Mix in a lot of Anglo-Saxon (invasions from what is now Denmark and northern Germany)

    Fold in a little French (1066 and

    Do not forget If you want to be logical use Kanata ,Japanese or Hindi alphabets.

    Because Kanata ,Japanese and Hindi languages are phonetic not English.

    Yes .

    a language that is spelled based on what you hear. etymology is a science of words and the words often are spelled differently than what the ear hears.

    If you want to be logical use Hindi alphabets.

    Because Hindi language is phonetic not English. Phonetic here means that you can predict the pronunciation from the spelling, and predict the spelling from the pronunciation .

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