
Could transhumanism help to combat global climate change?

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Just a thought.




  1. There is no fighting it. There are maps from Christoper Columbus days that show green land as two islands and Antarctica as land only. This was only found to be true in the last century when the usa was looking everywhere for oil. We've never seen them because they've always been covered with ice. The sun may have had a burst or flare out from the surface that warmed the atmosphere. Solar flares occur often. The heat makes its way here . Warms us up and lets us cool back and forth for eternity.

  2. not to combat, but for the lucky few, help adapt.

    the seas are full of magicians who turned themselves into dolphins, and refused to change back...

    out on the rings of saturn, the human composes music while his intelligent algae symbiont unfurls its great disc and dreams, photosynthesizes...

  3. are you kidding? transhumanism is the result of climate change.  people are too lazy to change until after they are effected by what they do. so as a reaction they change into what can survive in the wake of their own actions.

    see: evolution AND genetic bottlenecking

  4. yeah if we can transform ourselves into fish we wont have to worry about air pollution & floods.

    I suggest you transform your self & let us know how that works out for ya.

  5. I'm a transhumanist (by belief of course). I've got a major in biological-engineering, which during the course of receiving it I became intrigued by the concept.

    I could make this answer 10 pages long, but in short, remember, we're already becoming transhumans in small ways. We just don't notice it.

    Grandma's replacement hips, or grandpa's pacemaker. Little medical advancements that we just see as helpful. There's even a guy walking around with an artificial heart. I know a minor league baseball player (a friend) who had lasik eye surgery, but they did it to where is vision is better than normal (15/20), so he'll be able to pick up on ball spin at a further distance.  

    The concept of altering our bodies with modern medicine seems "creepy", but since it's being introduced slowly and for the most part, it's keeping our loved ones alive and healthy longer, we don't mind or even notice it.

  6. Yeah, lets all become cyborgs....

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