
Could u explain this please.?

by  |  earlier

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how do u answer maths questions like

7c + 2y = watever

what does y and c mean? sometimes there are a,b,c,x and a y.

i dont get it =/ whats with the letters?




  1. Haven't you been to class at all?

    Roman letters are variables, ie any number according to circumstances, Greek letters are constant, they always have the same values.

    So, my gas bill = x + ny

    Where x is the standing charge, n is the number of units used and y is the cost per unit.

  2. the letter are just variables. meaning they represent what numbers could be there. they are put there to show you that another number does belong there (instead of the letter) but you need to figure that out. for example. if c was 4 and y was 3, youd do 7x4 + 2x3. If the number or letter is back to back like 7c then you must multiply it

    I cant help you cuz u didnt givee me the answer

    o and vote best answer please. please. im so very poor. i had just had to cut out my sisters organs and sell them for money so i can buy us food. please i beggeth of you :-|

  3. 7c+2y=7c+2y

  4. they are called variables, they can be any number, your answer has to be so that the answer agrees with the variable

  5. the Cs and Ys or Xs and Ms or As or Bs or whatever - these all are called variables.

    Let's take this for example.

    If you have 6 chocolates, and each of them costs something. And say you paid a total of 12 dollars for each of those chocolates. Thus how much did each chocolate cost?

    You would say the answer is 2 dollars for each chocolate.

    How did you do it?

    You probably used 12/6=2.

    Now this is how it works.

    6 chocolates x something = 12 dollars.

    Thus, something = 12 dollars/6 chocolates.

    therefore, something = 2 dollars/chocolate

    So here, instead of saying something, we use the letters.

    Using letters (or variables) this is how we solve it:


    Thus, y=12/6

    Thus, y=2.

    Here, y=something, which is the cost.

    Makes sense?

  6. They just represent numbers that make the equation true. Like if c equals 1 and y equals 2 in your example, you'd multiply 7 by 1 and multiply 2 by 2 and then the equation equals 11.

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