
Could u help me pleasee . ?

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im going 2 the doctors on the 27th of this month 2 go on the pill. i only want 2 go on it for my periods because when i come on im in so much pain and the doctor said i could try the pill. so if i wanted 2 get pregnant i would have 2 stop taking the pill init? and when would i have2 stop taking it if i wanted 2 get pregnant? i dont get it :S




  1. correct, you will need to stop taking the pill if you want to get pregnant.

    Best to talk to your doctor about when to sto it but basically as soon as you either miss a pill or stop you are at risk of getting pregnant straight away.

    One thing to always remember is that if you are taking antibiotics while on the pill it reduces the chance of the pill working and you can still get pregnant so while you are on antibitoics you need to use other protection during the course and for 7 days after you have finished when your pill is effective again.

    Any questions you have at all your doc should be able to answer, otherwise a pamphlet comes with the pill and answers most general questions about being on the pill

  2. if your not comfortable you should ask your doc. for other methods

    a microwavable heating pad works well

    also birthing breathing exercises (they're meant to relax those same muscles.)

  3. This is exactly what you want to discuss with your doctor.  If you don't feel you get a good enough answer or if he/she is unwilling to spend time with you to help you through this, find another doctor.  

  4. If you are thinking of trying to get pregnant you can't of course go on to the pill at all!

  5. all the answers to your questions are at It will help with all your problems about periods.

    I hope this helps

  6. well sometimes the doctor will give you the mini pill, or pill this will just regulate you a bit and sort your hormones out, if you ever wanted to have a baby then you just stop taking it, the doctors advise to use a condom for a couple of months first though if you come off the pill n start trying for a baby, but it wont affect your chances  

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