
Could u please tell me how to develop concetration for studying?

by  |  earlier

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Please help m,e friends




  1. before studying try meditating for 5 will calm you down..then keep your phone away from you and sit to study..and take a 10 to 15 minutes break after every will refreshen you and before that tell yourself that you have to do well and set a time for yourself and see to that you study till that time..will power is important

  2. at home....

    first you don't want to be some where that you can be easily distracted. also if you feel like its getting harder and harder to concentrate to 15 sit ups of 10 push ups and then get back to working. that works best for me because I hate doing push ups so it makes me want to finish and not get distracted

    at school...

    it is harder to concentrate because school is very social. if you make yourself not sit right next to your friends then the chances of talking is less. i know it seams stupid but it actually helps me and my friends

    good luck!

  3. Start small.  Pick a length of time that you are reasonably sure you can reach, say 5 minutes, maybe 15 minutes.  Set a timer (egg timer, alarm clock, something) and settle in for the time you picked.  If you can not st that time try for a shorter time.  Even if you can only last 2 minutes per study session  you are started.  After a few days start trying to lengthen your time concentrating.  You will be surprised how much useful studying you can do in just 2 minutes of real concentration.  (This means having everything you will need laid out before you start the clock.)

    Try to use soft "white noise" as a background, boring but not irritating music, a fan, something.

    A lot of people study best in company with some one also studying, even if both are working alone, in silence.  Misery loves company.

  4. Coffee boosts memory and will keep you awake. Make sure that there are no distractions in your study area. Take regular breaks when you're studying and choose the "best" studying technique (whichever suits you).  

  5. More or less, you have to find an environment that works for you. Some people study better with the TV on or music playing, while others do better when it's completely silent. I would refrain from chatting on the phone with friends, or reviewing in a group unless you plan to study on your own first and then have a quizzing session  with your friends afterwards. It also may help you to keep a healthy snack and something to drink nearby, so you don't have to interrupt your studying to get up and get things to drink and eat.

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