
Could u please tell me the beginning month and the ending month of the four seasons in Australia?

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Could u please tell me the beginning month and the ending month of the four seasons in Australia?

thanks a lot!!




  1. In Australia we DO have four seasons, I don't know what that answerer was smoking.

    Summer: 1 Dec - 28/29 Feb

    Autumn (fall): 1 Mar - 31 May

    Winter: 1 June - 31 Aug

    Spring: 1 Sept - 30 Nov

    The seasons mean the same in Australia as in other countries, meaning summer = hot, winter = cold, etc.  

  2. Official start dates of Australian seasons.

    Summer - 1st of December

    Autumn (Fall) - 1st of March

    Winter - 1st of June

    Spring - 1st of September

    Woo Hoo!

    Winter is nearly over. Roll on Springtime and warm days.

    (I've been over Winter since the second week of June.)

  3. In Australia, the seasons are defined by grouping the calendar months in the following way:

    Spring - the three transition months September, October and November.

    Summer - the three hottest months December, January and February.

    Autumn - the transition months March, April and May.

    Winter - the three coldest months June, July and August.

    These definitions reflect the lag in heating and cooling as the sun appears to move southward and northward across the equator. They are also useful for compiling and presenting climate-based statistics on time scales such as months and seasons.

  4. Sorry... but we don't have "four seasons" in Australia.

    Technically, our Spring begins 1 September; our Summer begins 1 December, our Autum begins 1 March, and our Winter begins 1 July.  But that's purely as a guide (and to define high and low season for hotels, etc.).

    In actuality, we have summer, winter, and the wet season.  Although the tropics tend to only have two seasons - dry season and wet season.  North of the Tropic of Capricorn, wet season usually starts in December and runs through to March, wherein dry season commences.  In the southern regions of Australia, we have "winter" from late-June through to mid/late-August.  We then have "spring" (which is our wettest season [generally speaking]), and it usually starts raining (if we're not in drought) from mid/late-August through to the end of October beginning of November.  Our "summer" usually kicks in around mid-December, getting progressively hotter and peaking in February.  Then it starts cooling down, until "winter" kicks in again.

    As our native vegetation is not deciduous, we don't have trees changing colour (unless you live in the mountains or cooler climates in the south); so "autumn" is (realistically) a figure of speech.  Our native wattles (our harbingers of "spring") usually come into bloom some time around the mid-winter soltice (21 June).  That's why Australia really only has "three" seasons -- stinkin' hot, cold & wet, or the rest of the year.  LOL

    Best time for tourist to visit Australia is outside the extremes (ie any other time than mid-summer or the "wet season").  Then you are reasonably assured of brilliant, temperate weather.

    Hope that helps.

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