
Could u recommend some college in Cambridge for to study English?

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I have studied English in Bradford but I would like to change to Cambrigde. Could u recommend some college with acomodation ? Thank




  1. As you have studied English, I should have thought that you would have known that it's A and not SOME, unless you are going to more than one college.

  2. They're all good; you'll need to look at their website or prospectus to find out more about each college. You should consider the location, the buildings, any traditions they have (for example, whether you have to wear academic gowns to dinner), the number of places available to study English, and whether there are any bursaries that you would be suitable for. And they all offer accommodation, so you don't need to worry about that.

    However, before you get too excited, you must understand that Cambridge is very, very competitive. At many colleges, 15 or more people will apply for one place.

    The style of teaching consists mainly of one-on-one tutoring; to make the most of this, you have to be quick-thinking and motivated. You will have to do a lot of independent work; is this something you're prepared for?

    Consider it carefully before you apply. Remember, you'll be competing against the best and the brightest in the UK, and much of the rest of the world. And, at risk of sounding rude, the spelling and grammar in your question is very poor. Are you sure you'll have a chance?

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