
Could using trash (waste) to power our vehicles instead of oil save the world from its dependency on high gas?

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There is plenty of trash to power our cars and homes so, why isn't there more research into it. Wouldn't it be great just to use your own trash to fuel your car wait hmmm.. people already do that. Yeah, thats right people out of their garages. So, why hasn't this grand idea become mainstream?




  1. not too practical. To use the trash in our power generating plants  ,which would reduce our need of so much oil.

  2. There are plants that put organic waste into reactors to produce methane. This energy can then be used to create electricity, i think about 1 MW is typical.

    Landfills also produce methane, and that can be captured to produce electricity as well.

    I doubt a bioreactor in your car would allow you to go very fast or far. You'd be better off letting some plant do it, and use the electricity to power your home or electric car

  3. I'm sure there is a way to use trash to power are cars, but if we do, we won't be saving the earth anyways. Think about it, if we burn anything we create Carbon Monoxide (Type of hazardous pollution).

  4. 1 gas is still the lowest priced fuel..easy to find.already have stations.

    2 dumps stations that use gas from trash use it on site or nearby for low transportation costs

    3 but yes we should be burning the trash or getting gas from it to make electricity..You R corrrrect

  5. First, you'd have a lot of bad fumes that would be released into the air by the car.  Secondly, all of that trash would add extra weight to your car making it less efficient.  Thirdly, you have tonse of different chemicals and stuff with trash, that creates and eviromental problem when you dispose of the leftover waste.

    A much better solution is to have cities use incineration facilities to burn the trash and use the heat and energy generated to create electricity and heat buildings.  It is already done in a number of cities.  The incinerated trash is used to heat water and the steam is used to heat skyscrapers and city buildings.  Electricity can also be produced from the steam powering turbines.

    The other advantage with large power stations doing it is that you can have a much more intricate scrubbing system to make sure all of the harmful gases given off don't go into the air and pollute the air.

    The other thing that can be done is the trash can be put into a landfill and the methane gas from the landfill can be collected and used to heat homes.

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