
Could vegetarianism be used as a tool to predict whether or not someone would commit to a relationship?

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If someone isn't completely serious and committed to their veg lifestyle and ways..they probably wouldn't be too serious nor completely committed to a relationship, right?

If you can't commit to one thing, odds are you wouldn't commit to another.




  1. No that is not an accurate conclusion to arrive at.

    Charles Manson is a devoted vegan. He is also a devoted mass murderer. I don't think he would make a good husband.

    Most of the n**i leadership were dedicated national socialists and anti-Semites. Most, if not all of them had mistresses.

    You cannot use vegetarianism to predict someones character no more than you can use a crystal ball to predict the future.

  2. Everyone's different. You have to consider a whole range of things when you're entering into a relationship. But not being able to stick to something as fundamental as eating habits could be a sign of a lazy, half-assed, loose morals person, yes.



    I believe the mental and physical discipline needed to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle is very similar to the mental and physical discipline need for our daily life. You would hardly see a veg*n as hardcore drug edict or violent prisoner. Research shows that veg*n have the least divorce and Family violence (or domestic violence). At least, everyone would agree to this point.

    Charles Manson and Hitler became vegetarians obviously for health reasons. Examples of these 2 personalities would not reflect exactly the entire typical populations. When I studied the criminal psychology, many researches were done in the past and present. Evidence of Classified FBI files, Counselor Press “The World Greatest Crooks, Crimes and Corruptions in the Past & Present”, modern era terrorism and beheading clearly indicates that violence crossed the border of species.


    A woman knows that a man must love her if he forsakes s*x with all other women. A woman looks for self-denial in a man, since it is a sign of strength and loyalty. Such a man might make a better father. The ability to defer pleasure shows maturity. A man who just wants fun fun fun now is unlikely to be a responsible father. A man who can plan ahead so far that he only gets his final reward in heaven is a man who will stick around and help pay for the kids.

    Most vegetarians are women. In Britain, a person is doubly likely to suffer from vegetarianism if he is female. Part of the reason for this is that women like the taste of meat less than men. This stems from the fact that women have inherited the instincts of gatherers and men those of hunters. In all hunter-gatherer societies today, however, women prize meat. They love meat, just not quite as much as men do. The greater reason, I believe, is that women use vegetarianism to test men. By requiring men to deny themselves pleasure, they test the resolve of the men, and their loyalty. It is a very effective test of loyalty. The proof of this is that the VAST majority of men who succumb to vegetarianism (I’m afraid I have lost the figures, which weren’t 100% reliable anyway, because the accurate comprehensive study of this has not be done - it would cost a fortune, and no one needs to know that much) either have vegetarian sexual partners, or are trying to get some. Just as tellingly, when men split up from their veggie girlfriends, they near invariably start enjoying meat again. This goes to prove amongst other things that men really will do ANYTHING for s*x.

    Of course, some men do stay vegetarian for many years, even if they are without a girlfriend. A man who has been a veggie for many years has proof of his dedication to the god of plants, and will perhaps one day impress a chick with this loyalty. It is a long term strategy. To disprove this, you will have to find that there are many men who have been vegetarian for many years, and in that time have had large numbers of girlfriends, most of whom have not been vegetarian.

  4. Don't really see how its relevant to be honest...

    You can have strict vegetarians with commitment issues, and people who can't commit to their religions committing to their relationships.

    Its really not the same...

  5. The same logic could be used to say that people committed to their meat-eating ways would be equally likely to commit to a relationship...

  6. Not necessarily.  It depends on the initial level of commitment towards vegetarianism and the results after trying the lifestyle.  If a person tries it because of the environmental benefits but in the end decides it's not for them but tries to curb their consumption instead, that wouldn't be an indicator of fear of commitment.  Or whatever- you can't judge a person's relationship potential on diet success/failure.

  7. We all have different commitment levels.  I do not think that you are making a realistic conclusion.

  8. Your mixing matters of the heart with what goes into the stomach.

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