
Could we all boycott Russia by not buying russian produce and support ex USSR states.remember Hitler.?

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  1. We could. But why?

  2. youre using bananas to do geopolitics

    thats funny

  3. Boycotting is childish and negative. Let's keep

    positive by supporting America and products

    that are still made here.

  4. Yes I do and that is is one reason I think the Russians were right to react to Georgian ethnic cleansing in South Ossetia.

  5. Yes, we could.  But look at your answerers and I'm sure you've noticed it all over as well as I have.  No one cares about countries destroying democracies.  The only truth in this world is that the USA is evil.  And when you thought it couldn't get even more bizarre, you have Russia trying to destroy a democracy and the people around the world take the side of Russia because who they're fighting is pro-American.  

    Sadly for the Georgians, they chose the wrong time in the history to be for good, to be for democracy, and to be allied with the USA.  And Russia is acting very, very strange and I think we'll see them continue to be aggressive and allied with radical Islam, Iran and Syria.  And the people around the world will just go right along with them because they hate the USA so much, even our own people.  Their children deserve everything their idiotic parents leave for them.

    A British hillbilly, huh, RLP?  You're total scum, RLP.

  6. And why is that, hillbilly, we should boycott Russia, Russia do not give a s**t about hillbillies and about US.

  7. I think with the level that the world is consuming oil that its ruled out as a policy by the EU and rightfully so. Why should Europe bring war back to its frontiers. Its the NATO encirclement of Russia which is causing it to act aggressively.  

  8. Boycott what from Russia?  We are already making the best vodka in the world.

  9. What Russian products would those be then?

    And doesn't Russia supply vast quantities of the world with oil? Does that mean we have to boycott cars and electricity?

  10. Whatever for ? Saakashvili of Georgia invaded and killed 2000 innocent civilians of S. Ottesia mainly Russian citizens. As expected, Russia retalliated just like America did after 9/11 to secure its borders. Yes, I remember Hitler but do you know who defeated him ? Yes, it was the Russians who drove the German troops all the way back to Berlin. Americans joined the fray very late in the war and was just in time to share in some of the laurels.

  11. If you think old Hitler was a bad man wait until you you see the combination of Russia and Islam. it surrounds and infiltrates sleeping Europe as we speak. and as for boycotting Russia, HOW? Russia and Islam supplies three quarters of the world with gas and oil. in actual fact 'thanks to the glorious labour party sell out' they! have US!! by the b@lls, not the other way around. they are playing a masterfull game of poker. and our leaders are either blind and stupid. or as bent as h**l and in with the deal.

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