
Could we find some common ground??

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Any of you who have gotten to know me a little bit through this board knows that I'm pretty middle of the road when it comes to feminism/traditionalism. I can find common ground with women like Rio and women like Proud Stepford Wife-both of whom I think are lovely ladies. I'm wondering if we all couldn't find some common ground with each other. If we all couldn't espouse some positives that come along with the opposite ideology we have.

So how about we give it a shot? I know there will be trolls(we seem to have them in abundance) but I think most of us have more in common than we are willing to admit. So let's try it.

Traditionalist, state ONE gripe you have with feminist.

State ONE thing you like about feminist.

Feminist, state ONE gripe you have with traditionalist.

State ONE thing you like about traditionalist.

If you are going to get rude or only state gripes or just be an @ss in general, then please don't bother replying because I have no qualms about reporting you.




  1. Bad thing about traditionalists - they seem to think their way is the one right way, and they don't respect people who choose otherwise, even though feminists respect (and will fight for) their right to choose their own way.

    Good thing about traditionalists - they seem to know what they want and they go for it :-)

    (Doesn't apply to all traditionalists of course)

  2. My gripe: I hate how feminist are always about what makes THEM happy, leaving their family in the dark.

    One greatful thing: I am thankful that women do have the right to vote and cannot be discriminated against when trying to find a job.

  3. I consider myself a feminist, but I have nothing against more traditional men and women, as long as they don't try to prevent me from being who I am or living my life the way i see fit. The point of feminism, to me, is not that every woman should have a career outside of the house, or otherwise wear the pants in the family. It's more about choices. If you want to be a housewife, you should be able to. If you want a career, you should be able to do that, too. We're not all identical, and so everyone (male and female alike) should have the freedom to live as they choose without being persecuted or insulted for it.

    So, my gripe would be that some traditionalists act like I'm garbage for not wanting to have the same kind of life they have. Those that do not, however, are fine by me.

    The positive thing is, they're living their life in a way that works for them, which is the best thing anyone can do.

  4. Gripe: A lot of them seem to believe that a successful career and a happy family life are mutually exclusive. As thousands of women (and men!) have proven, they are not. Also, they still tend to kick around the old day-care-is-evil argument; that's never been determined on a general scale.

    Like: They tend to have it right when it comes to the wage gap.

    I'm probably the diametrical opposite of Proud Stepford Wife, but I think she's lovely, too.

  5. i like that traditionalist men and women often seem to genuinely appreciate each other.  that whole yin and yang thing.

    i dislike the implication that just because i'm different i have no value.  i am not sentimental or overtly maternal and never have been, but yesterday i saw in three different posts traditionalist said "why can't feminists just accept their responsibilities as women?".

  6. My main gripe with feminists is that I often feel they look down on women who choose to live traditional lifestyles or take a submissive role to their husbands. I've heard so much criticism of submissive women; that we're sub-human, weak and that no "real" man would want a women like that. It just annoys me that they can't respect women who choose a different way of life to them. (This is by no means all feminists, just a selection.) Ok, rant over.

    The thing I like and support regarding feminism is choice; thanks to the original feminists, I could decide to live a traditional lifestyle rather than be forced into it, which makes me much happier in my role. I also value the fact that I can vote and have an education.

    Good question :)

  7. Femenists- You are interesting

    Traditionalist- You can have the beer at Axn and I's wedding.

  8. Negative- Feminists believe they are more intelligent than traditionalists.

    Positive- Feminists were the ones who got me the right to get a good job that pays equal to a man if I so choose.

    Obviously this doesn't apply to all feminists. The majority of my feminist friends are highly respectful of my choice to remain a stay-at-home mother.

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