
Could we (mankind) make black holes?

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I know that people a CERN may create small ones accidentally, but any kind of larger ones that could last or even pull a few things around?




  1. i wouldnt have thought so, they're too complex for mankind :) x

  2. I would answer yes, though at an enormous expense of energy. In CERN, black holes are created when particles are acclerated to high speeds. When a particle reaches relativistic speeds, it contracts (called Lorentz contraction). This is one of the effects of special relativity. But to make an object collapse into a black hole, it has to contract to a certain length; this length is called the schwarzchild radius (the schwarzchild radius for the sun is 3 km I think, which means that if it was compressed into a sphere with a radius of 3 km, it would collapse into a black hole. This equation is given by r = 2Gm/c^2 where m is the mass, and G is the gravitational constant.

    Now lets say that I have to compress an object to get it into a radius if 1 meter. To find how fast of a velocity it must reach, I use the equation 1= L/gamma where L is the original length of hte object, and gamma = 1/[sqrt(1-v^2/c^2] where v is the velocity. solve for the equation and you get your speed!

    CERN will not create a black hole that large because it uses lots of energy and the scientists will not be accelerating anything that large that can create a black hole.

    Even the small holes created at CERN cannot attract anything because they are so small. Gravity is the weakest force (theorized to be leaking in from or out to another dimension), so nothing dangerous will probably be created

  3. it is possible....scottish scientists where the first to do it.....(again only a small one) but the theory goes....if you can make a small can make a big one right?

  4. We've already created the biggest black hole in the universe. It's called the IRS. They just keep sucking more and more money away from us.

  5. It's possible but, not a real one until we have enough technology to rip a hole in the space-time continuum.

  6. Well yea we could but we would need to find a way to destroy a star and make it implode rather than causing it to go Supernova.  

  7. well I think it might be possible but extremely hard.  

  8. Microscopic ones, yes, but I really don't advise trying to make larger ones.

  9. The LHC won't create any like that. It is estimated that a particle accelerator would have to be larger than the solar system to perform such functions. And even at that, it might be able to attract a couple rocks. Remember that gravity is a very weak force... it takes a lot of mass for any object to have a significant amount of gravitational pull.

  10. the challenge is to make a controlled black hole, that will happen in the next 150 years for sure. A very very small one, no 100km black hole ;)

  11. people at CERN will not create small ones accidentally. that is an overblown media story that has absolutely no bearing in reality. ill prove it.

    the maximum energy that the LHC will run at is 7 TeV.

    the energy needed for a particle to form a black hole is 1 220 000 000 000 000 TeV

    for us to create a black hole we would need a particle accelerator about as large as the solar system.

  12. if we can make small ones we can make big ones. probably not any time soon but i don't see why not.

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