
Could we possibly ever evolve to have telekinisis? Esp? ect?

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I dont think that its real for the most part now, like palm readers, fortune tellers, mind readers, ect.. i dont think that is real,

and i think that the whole moving stuff with your mind, reading someones mind thing, i think its alittle scifi. specificaly Fi.

but could we ever evole to use more of our brains,?

What would happen,

We use like what?

7% at most of our brains now?

What would physically and mentally happen to someone if they used 20%.. 40%... 70%??

Say it happened just at once, or say, slowly over a bunch of years,

if there were treatments that could slowly open up more in the brain.

Or maybe by evolution.. generation after generation..




  1. First,forget that 7% of our brain thing.That's a red herring and is totally false.It may be possible though not likely.I don't think we're wired that way.Contrary to the boasting we see daily at Yahoo.There is no reason to believe anyone anywhere has psychic powers of any kind.There's nothing for natural selection to select.It's like flying for instance.It's possible at some point we'll sprout wings.Passing flight on in future generations.How likely is it one of us will do that?

  2. IF telekinesis exists, or the biological precursor to what we call telekinesis or psychokinesis today exist, and IF they are selected for by environmental pressures such that people who have this mutation are more likely to have children, then perhaps.

    But there are IFs here that can't be blithely dismissed. The first IF is the biggest problem -- if psychokinesis exists and is physically possible. Nothing we know of physics and the human brain suggest that such an ability is even possible. Such an ability would be through a physical mechanism that is totally unknown to science today, and it is safe to say that such a discovery would revolutionize and completely restructure the science of physics. By the way, we already use 100% of our brain. Each area of the brain is already dedicated to some function, but not all areas of the brain are active at the same time.

    The second IF is nearly as concerning -- why would a person with psychokinetic abilities have greater survival abilities in today's society or produce more offspring?  There doesn't seem to be any survival advantage to this mutation, so it's unlikely that environmental pressures would select for it.

    In summary I really don't think it's a likely scenario.

  3. I knew someone who could control people's minds. It's an evil thing to do.No one should have that power. Even brainwashing is a form of mind control.

  4. It is perhaps possible to evolve to use these already existing normal human abilities better and more effectively than we do now. One theory is that due to man's great grasping of materialistic science (conquering not adapting to the environment) that we have simply lost the strength of and possibly need for such abilities.

    While it is true despite the misleading information posted frequently by YA skeptics that we use somewhat less than 10% of our brain at any one time (and this is only determined by areas via MRI that is about as informative as examining a single atom with a hand held store bought maginifying glass). It is also true that using more than 10% at a time may kill us (like a seizure).

    However, people that are highly creative and highly intelligent (as measured by tests) have more nueral connections than the average person. So it not using more of your brain but using it better and more effeciently that may the next step in our evolution.

    Also, despite the misinformation frequently posted ESP and PK do not violate any laws of physics as understood from a quantum physics perspective. It is only if your understanding of physics is limited to the Newtonian physics that you learned in elementary school that you would even suggest this argument.

    I provided links and sources below if you wish to explore the evidence in depth.


  5. we dont have to evolve to it ..everyone is born with it...children are very clarvoient and receptive to prediction and spirits,because they are innocent. Most adults just are to closed up to channel their 6th sense. I use mine sometimes. but it only works when you have a clear head and open mind. Like i say people are so stressed or just dont belive,to use it,but it is there already.

  6. The "we only use 10% of our brains" thing is a falsehood.  Besides, even assuming we aren't using all of our brain, who's to say the unused part of the brain would automatically be used for ESP?

    Amateur evolution explanation: Characteristics evolve as distinct genetic traits when its emergence gives the population an advantage of reproduction or survival.  Unless an ESP mutation occurred in a large enough population and that genetic code increased that population's chances of survival (and is therefore passed down to the next generation) then it wouldn't become a dominant characteristic in our species.

    Furthermore, what biological mechanism could be mutated to account for an ability to see into the future, to read minds, to observe or manipulate things at a distance, etc.?

  7. yes i think that we could. it is very possible, im sure we have it in our brain somewhere but we never use it, eventually that will become usable!

  8. I've heard this idea about us only using a small part of our brains before and then I saw a live CAT scan and had a rethink about it. I also wonder how much of the brain is for memory as it can store stuff for up to 70 years plus (how big would  a hard drive have to be to do that?).

    While telepathy may or may not exist it does have a cousin that does exist called Empathy. This is the ability to read another's emotions and while it doesn't give specifics, someone with an astute social/psychological understanding can pick up on what another is thinking with a frightening degree of accuracy.

  9. This is an interesting idea.  I like your question however I believe a few of these questions may have already been answered by quantum mechanics.  Before I get into anything from quantum mechanics I would first like to address the "concerns" over natural selection in this post.  I ask you a question, "if you knew you were going to get into a car accident and die or even just be injured would you get into  that car? "  I dont think so, so ESP or seeing into the future would be a very, VERY useful evoloutionary advance for humans.  As far as telekenisis that is questionable at best.

    Now quantum mechanics says that everything we do affects the environment around us.  As a matter of fact they have even used some mathmatical formulas and proofs to show that we can potentially change our environment with the words we speak.  Don't believe me, check out Masaru Emoto: Messages from Water.  

    So why is it so far fetched that if we can shape our environment with just our words that we couldn't see what effect our words were going to have before they happened?  Quantum physics makes hypothesis about this as well, you can find information about it in the links posted in the post by psiexploration above.

    Scientists have made it clear that the more you use particular parts of your brain the more connections this makes in that particular part of the brain, why is it unbelieveable that certian people have already, because of some reason or another, tapped into that part of their brain and are using it subconciously making more and more connections and honeing those skills?  Have you ever had a feeling in your gut that something was going to happen, good or bad, and it did? What if this was because your truly did know, but because of the "noise" going on around us you missed the signs?  What if someone developed this sense and tapped into these feelings and listened to them instead of just shrugging them off as worries or nonsense?  This would result in more connections being formed in that particular part of the brain and therefore more efficent and clear use of that part.

    Just an idea of two, thanks for reading.

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