
Could we use solar panels to power a car?

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Since gas prices are going up, we need more ideas for more gas efficient cars. I know they have already made electric cars, but could they put a solar panel on the top so you could have a self energized car? If you needed to drive at night you could have an extra battery and/or have extra stored up energy in your car from it being out in the daytime. Could this be done? Can there be other power generators such as mini hydro-electric generators? Or is there problems with using these generators?




  1. Probably would be a good idea, but

    they would be too big to use.

  2. To have solar panels to supply enough power to run ,the panel would cover a 18 wheeler trailer and that would not be enough.

  3. This has been done, but the total energy of sunlight available is fairly low on a per sq foot basis - covering the entire car with high-efficiency solar panels does generate enough power to make a car run - it's been a competition for year in Australia.


    They do this in the desert in Australia because that particular location has reliable intense sunlight.  Most places do not.  Also have you seen these cars?  The driver in them is cramped in this tiny little shell that slides along the ground.  

    Good idea in principle, and I like the idea as a way to supplement the charging of a hybrid vehicle, but the practical uses are limited.

  4. Do you live in America? Is your president Bush? If you answer yes to either of those questions i think you already know  your answer..NO!

  5. It has been done.  For the past several years there has been a race sponsored by several leading universities of solar-powered cars from the East Coast to the West Coast.  Solar powered vehicles have reached and maintained highway speeds - 55 to 65 MPH.  Most of the entrants have actually finished the race, though I blush to admit I can't tell you which university team has placed first for the past several years.

    We're still a ways from having economically viable family cars - and their safety is also a concern.  But these are bright young men and women - if a way can be found to make these vehicles practical for everyman, they'll find it!

  6. There are some cars that already do this, but it is not piratical for commercial uses.

  7. i've always thought it could be done... but instead of a solar panel on top of the car... the entire body of the car manufactured of a material that absorbs solar energy... they already have roofing products that do just that...

    when i told someone that, they said you couldn't drive the car at night, i said duh... that's why electric cars have batteries... it would be recharging the batteries while it's parked...

  8. With solar panels like they are today the solar cars are more like banks of panels with a seat somewhere it won't get in the way of important stuff.  It will take some major advances to make something practical.

  9. this article discusses the practicality of electric and hydrogen fueled vehicles. I think that reducing speed limits would make them more competitive. and safer to drive small vehicles

  10. There has been a solar powered car race for at least the last 20 years.  Queens University in Canada used to win it most of the time but competition is getting a lot stiffer.  Most purely solar powered cars look very similar to one another.  (Queens and Univ of Waterloo pics provided)

    The Aptera hybrid uses many of the same design philosophies as the original solar cars (minimize rolling resistence, aerodynamics, minimize weight) in an electric or electric hybrid.  I believe it is the first car to go into full production that even comes close.  

    There is also a lab in California working on a mini turbine hybrid electric car called the Velozzi that looks more conventional ... looks kinda like a Ferrari.

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