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if you were offered $1 million dollars cash tax free to spend one year living with your worse enemy could you do it??

you would not be allowed to lose your temper once or even speak a single disrespectful word, doing so would get you disqualified.

could you hold your temper and bite your tongue for a cool mill??




  1. No I couldn't do it , not even for a billion

  2. I would pass on the money

  3. why would i want to live with miley cyrus?

  4. wow,  thats pretty tough

    but i think i coudl do it

    id give it a go anyway

  5. i don't have one

  6. Yes.

  7. I would give it a shot.  What do I have to lose?

  8. h**l yes of course i could do long as i"m allowed to think disrespectful thought"

  9. Heck no.

    this girl, that i HATEEEEEEEEE

    will some day be dead.

  10. Why not? My enemy would be punished too.

  11. as long as she didn't get any money for staying in the house. If she was to just go back to the trailor park and live her S****y life after I get my cool mill..then yeah I would do it

  12. NO WAY!! I'd loose that one quick! They're my worst enemy for a very good reason!

  13. Yes

  14. Lol I'm pretty good at ignoring if needed. (Ask my ex-girlfriend) I'll definitely give it a shot. We could actually become drinking buddies after that...

  15. I've done it for free for the past 4 years with my husband.  By this time, I should have been a millionaire 4 times over.  

  16. No, and it would be worth giving up the mil to tell the witch exactly what I think of her every day until somebody finally separated us.

  17. Absolutely not. i have already lived with my worst enemy. It's what made her my worst enemy. Stupid ***** kicked me out when things got difficult for HER. She was having a hard time, nothing dealing with me, yet her solution was to kick me out.

    If she were to die in an inferno car wreck and rot in a ditch, I wouldn't care.

  18. yeah because my only enemy does not know that she is my enemy pluse im really good at holding my very small temper back wouldu be able too?

  19. Can I say something disrespectful if they aren't around?

    I honestly believe I could do it.  

  20. I would give it an honest effort.

    Even though I would probably lose my temper and s***w everything up.

  21. NOPE

  22. Yes. I would. At least I would try!

  23. Well first of all to be my worst enemy betrayal would have to be involved somehow - and I can't live with that.

    Hugs and LOVE MY TIGER!


  24. I already live with my worst's me.

  25. sure i could, she hates me, i dont hate her.

  26. 26 x  Free concert / Gig tickets going here

    This site is spreading like wildfire, everyone

    on campus is raving about it


  27. straight out NO!!!

    considering he would be dead in matter of minutes.

    just opens his mouth stupid stuff comes out and makes me so frusterated

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