
Could you accept Charles as the king if he wore a pink wig?

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Could you accept Charles as the king if he wore a pink wig?




  1. The only circumstance under which i could accept Charles as Head of State was if he was voted into that position in a democratic election.

  2. Only if he wore rainbow stripped trousers and a yellow and pink polka dotted top to match! xx

  3. Irrelevant not my decision

  4. On one condition - that before he dons the wig he becomes a client of the Guillotine.

  5. I'd accept him as king even if he didn't.

  6. He talks to the trees bu they won't listen to him!!

  7. I think he has done more harm to the royal family then any royal in England's history. If I were the Queen I would demand he be taken to a doctor and sterilized so he and that ugly wench he is seen with do not breed by accident.

  8. a pink wig would an improvement.but i don't have to accept him because we have king george(bush)the second.

  9. If he wore a pink wig, yes

  10. yeah that would be fun

  11. Pink wig, probably not. Rainbow wig definately!

  12. Prince William is the ONLY King that will impress me

  13. only if it matched his nightie

  14. I couldn't accept Charles as the king if he wore a pink DRESS.

    Charles will never BE king.

  15. Yeah, that's what the royal family need actually - they are dead boring mincin around in 'sombre' colours - they should be forced to go on pop idol or sumfin....

  16. never , no matter what he wore , he is a cheating , lying hypocrit who thinks women are attracted to him for some reason , in the duchy of cornwall and in dorset he is not much more than a building tycoon flattening all before him for his greed , he is what you cant say on this site for fear of a reprimand !!!!

  17. I don't accept the monarchy, so makes no difference what they wear to me.  However, would like to see them ALL have to go out to work.  Lazy parasites.

  18. Unless Chucky dies before his mother, he will be king.  If you don't like it, ask your MP to support a referendum to abolish the monarchy.  Either put up or shut up.

    I am not a big fan of the royals, but I don't think Charles should be the scapegoat for their troubles and changing attitudes towards the monarchy.  Charles is not the only man whose marriage failed; he is one of a very few people who was pressured into marrying someone he probably did not love to breed royal offspring.

  19. The line of succession is not a popularity contest, so when Queen Elizabeth dies, if Charles is still alive, he will be King.  Of course, the Queen Mum outlived Princess Margaret.

    The wig would cover his bald spot, however.  Has he considered a toupee or hair transplants?

  20. After the way he treated Diana, and now he's married to that coon hound looking thing, I hope that he doesn't live long enough to disgrace the country by being king. I know he was supposedly raised from birth to be king, but he is a moral disgrace and a horrible example to young people everywhere.  I'd rather see him abdicate and give the throne to Prince Andrew or William or Harry.  Charles is an embarrassment.

  21. I don't care who gets to be king, but if he wore a pink wig it would certainly make him more interesting!

  22. and a twirly bow tie?

    h**l yes

  23. Wig or no wig I really don't care for him, I hope he is never King, I felt bad for the way he treated Diana. Hopefully Prince William or Harry will be king instead.

  24. I think he'd make a better king for doing so!

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