
Could you answer the phone for me I'm in the bath?

by  |  earlier

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Could you answer the phone for me I'm in the bath?




  1. I'm on the toilet

  2. yeah sure  you want me to take a message ?

  3. sure

  4. I could put it in the tub with you so you could get it yourself

  5. Sure Man No-Problem  

  6. Should I take a message?

  7. no!!! stop asking!!!

  8. On your computer but unable to answer the phone? OK

  9. No, LOSER

  10. Can't - I'm on the can

  11. Well you are on the computer while in the bath so I don't see why you can't answer the phone. Unless you don't have any free hands. Then just e-mail the person telling them to e-mail you instead of call you. That would be my solution.


  12. HUH??

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