
Could you be friends with somebody who was not pro-g*y rights? ?

by  |  earlier

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i could not.




  1. As long as they're not against them.

    For example, if they don't think that g*y marrige is good, but don't mind civil unions, thats fine. If they think that being g*y is the sickest disease ever and I'm perverted and should be locked up, then no.

  2. as long as their not anti-g*y rights yes

  3. I have colleagues who do not believe I have a right to exist. We treat each other with careful decency -- but friends.... I have a lot of trouble being able to see someone as a friend who is prejudiced against me.

    Kind thoughts,


  4. Certainly---I'd be just like them.

  5. I'm straight, but very pro-g*y rights. I find it somewhat impossible to be friends with homophobes. They are either jerks, stupid, or shallow. Everyone i've met anyway.

  6. most defenetly, i don't expect people to fight somthing just because i do, however i have trouble with people who are anti-g*y rights

  7. Of course.

    I am more than just my sexuality.

    I mean, of course if they're an a*****e about it, then I'm not down with that. But if it's just. Silent.. then yeah. o.O

  8. I guess it would depend on their point of view.  for example, if they felt that way because they thought it was sinful to be g*y I would have a very hard time liking them.  However, if they felt that all people should be treated equally and that g*y rights were special rights I would hear them out.  

  9. I could be as long as the subject was never really mentioned...and they didnt say anything really offensive.

  10. I have friends that are and friends that aren't, different people have different opinions and I love and respect my friends for that  

  11. I highly doubt that I could.  Some one who does not believe that I should have equal rights, doesn't really have that much respect for me, and how could I be friends with someone who does not have any respect for me, and for my right to be treated like a human being?  That's probably why I don't have any friends like that and can only answer your question with an educated guess : )

  12. I could....although i might find it hard.

    At the end of the day, it's just one issue, and thats not worth missing a friendship for.

    Its allright to let other people have their own beliefs.

  13. My brother is antigay...but yes I could tolerate someone like that..I have to!

  14. Certainly. I'm mature enough to handle people having a difference of opinion from my own.

    To not want to be around those that are not pro-g*y or having anything to do with them, makes you no better than a homophobe.

  15. Absolutely not.  If they feel that way about others, they feel that way about me.

    No way.

  16. My friends come from many diverse backgrounds so yes I have one or two friends like that actually. I work with them on some things here and there and since they know I'm g*y they respect me for me but just not the rest of the g*y community because they don't know and understand them. So I try and inform them as much as I can and have them try new things to open their minds up but only if they're willing. I don't feel its my place to ram my ideas and ways of thinking down their throats. They're independent, free thinking individuals and they have every right to their opinions, even if they're a little bit archaic.  

  17. No, I don't think I could actually be "friends" with them because I wouldn't respect that attitude and I don't think you can truly be friends with people you don't respect.

    I would, however, be completely civil and would even like to engage in dialogue about our difference values.  So we could be "acquaintances," I guess.

  18. I think every one has some family that is anti-g*y, but they still talk to them... Fact is there are two kinds of homophobes, old ones from a different time and young ones usually sold the concept by religion or small minded upbringing.

    Old ones are going to die soon, so s***w it. Your not going to change them any how.

    Young ones on the other hand, if they are getting their beleifs from religion no amount of logic is going to sway them, all you can really do is tolerate them and let them see what kind of person you are...

  19. Yep! Some members of my family are for one! Friends often have differences in opinions and I find that in most cases you just have to accept your differences and move on!  

  20. as long as they weren't anti g*y rights then yes i could be friends with someone who is neutral.

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