
Could you class Nature as...?

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Would You Be Able To Class Nature As God?!

Nature is an uncontrollable, unpredictable, force? It's Possible to say that many views... Infact most views in Nature are Beautiful.

My dad told me that "A volcanic eruptions is Natures way of clearing the land" and in some aspects he's right(?). Could an Volcanic Eruption be a Noah's Ark?

Ok!? No grief. People saying I'm a r****d and that It's a stupid question. Any of that and you're wasting your time as I'm just going to remove your comment!




  1. I agee with your dad.  A sunlit flower with a sparkling dew drop on a petal lip is as naturally beautiful as a powerful bolt of lightning destroying a tree on a mountain side.  But it's really all a matter of individual choice.  If a volcanic eruption creates a landslide that kills everyone in a city, it could be viewed as an act of God or an act of nature.  Individual beliefs would dictate how each individual would view the situation.  

    Some people will view them as seperate things.  Either an act of God or a natural occurance.  Others will see it as one and the same thing.

  2. you're in the right area for sure

    to risk offending the religious types, most religion has been borne up out of what mankind did not understand of, or was in awe of, nature


  4. If God is "unknowable" then probobly anything that we know cannot be God. However if God is "in everything" then everything is part of God, rather like the blind men describing the elephant story. Uncontrollable, certainly by us, unpredictable, most of the time, which suggests it is predictable given known variables. have you read J lovelock Gaia.

  5. "God" is what lies beyond the chaos...seperated from mankind by an active vibration..and our fear of openess...

  6. I think nature is a religion although not necessarily a god. Nature has laws, and rules, there are consequences to think about, even if they do not directly affect you.

    Many things in nature are unexplainable, although we have feeble explanations for how everything works. Nature has everything set up for us and we should respect it and take care of it (as we would a "god")

    I think it would be really nice if we could classify nature as a god or a religion (I certainly do) it would make the world a much better place.  

  7. Who said it's a stupid question!! Ridiculous. Anyway, I think the sense of calm and unity and also awe you feel when you experience nature certainly takes you beyond the here and now and away from any imagined self importance. If we all took example from natures cycle of growth and regrowth, replenishment and renewal but also balance I think we could learn a lot but people think they can control nature. The state of the planet says enough

  8. nature is not to be messed with does what it does...of course man screws it up every it god or man ... god wouldnt let this happen

  9. Hey, I believe i the pantheist God so yes God is nature, Nature is uncontrollable and unpredictable it works by it's own rules and aims and is totally beautiful, in fact nothing is more beautiful then Nature. People see acts of nature as destructive and dangerous which they are but they are also essential to the world and without them life as we know it would be impossible so they do far more good then bad. Nature created us and everything else. It looks after us and protects us. Nature is the creative aspect of god and time and time again we ignore it and try to alter it only for it to show us how much stronger than us it is and that it has an unbreakable will. i hope this gives you food for thought. :)

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